Explorers and Conquerors

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Explorers and Conquerors da Mind Map: Explorers and Conquerors

1. Hernan Cortes

1.1. Spanish conquest

1.2. Sent to search the Aztec Empire

1.3. Awarded title Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca

1.4. He was bitter until his death in 1541

1.5. Earned a ecomienda in Cuba

1.6. Became a alcalde in the second small town

2. Francisco Pizzaro

2.1. Killed Incan Emperor Atahualpa

2.2. Claimed Incan lands for Spain

2.3. Led expedition to the Incan Empire

2.4. He was an illegitimate son

2.5. He was born in 1471 and died in 26 June 1541

2.6. Led two expeditions

3. Christopher Columbus

3.1. Pinta

3.2. Reached the Carribean

3.3. Planned on going to Asia

3.4. Never found Asia

3.5. 1492

3.6. Born in Republic of Genoa

4. Ferdinand Magellan

4.1. Sent to search the Maluku Islands

4.2. Killed in the battle of Mactan

4.3. Organized Spanish expedition to West Indies

4.4. This expedition lasted from 1519-1522

4.5. He was born in 1480 and died in 27 April 1521

4.6. named the Magellanic Penguin