
Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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Tic da Mind Map: Tic

1. Almacenamiento

1.1. google drive

1.2. dropbox

1.3. sky drive

1.4. mega

2. blog

2.1. blogger

2.2. wix

3. Presentaciones

3.1. Canva

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. geneally

3.2.1. Infografias

3.2.2. Mapas mentales

3.2.3. Tarjetas presentaciones

3.3. emaze

3.3.1. Top Priorities

3.3.2. Medium Priorities

3.3.3. Low Priorities

3.4. esally

3.4.1. Top Priorities

3.4.2. Medium Priorities

3.4.3. Low Priorities

4. mapas mentales

4.1. geneally

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personnel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. go gorn

4.3. mindmeister

5. audio video

5.1. Powtoon

5.2. animaker

5.3. monky