October 30th, 2017 - workshop topic: Augmented Reality and books

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October 30th, 2017 - workshop topic: Augmented Reality and books da Mind Map: October 30th, 2017 - workshop topic:  Augmented Reality and books

1. Since 2012 METIDMATCH has been offering blended workshops aimed at promoting staff professional development at Politecnico di Milano - METID http://www.metid.polimi.it/en/staff/ METIDMatch commits itself to make workshop content open and reusable under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. https://beep.metid.polimi.it/it/web/metid-match #metidmatch

2. access materials

2.1. workshop material https://www.mindmeister.com/981259107

2.2. workshop methodology https://www.mindmeister.com/981259188