Unit 19 - Stage 2 Project

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Unit 19 - Stage 2 Project da Mind Map: Unit 19 - Stage 2 Project

1. Research 'Glympse' app.

2. Wants to use 'Parrot Bluetooth Device' https://images.crutchfieldonline.com/ImageHandler/trim/620/378/products/20090/333/x333MKi9100-f_dg.jpeg

3. Expects employees to answer even when driving.

4. Wants all employees to possess a smartphone that is compatible with Glympse.

5. Wants to know the pricing of the app and equipment needed

6. Would like to save money.

7. Wants to be able to track other employees that use the app.

8. Research any laws to do with using a phone whilst driving and tracking the location of an individual; as well as other laws that may apply.

9. Spends 'a lot of time' on the road.