1. Enchantment
1.1. Process of delighting people with a product, service, organization, or idea
1.2. It causes a voluntary change of hearts and minds, and therefore actions
1.3. It is not manipulation of people to get your way
1.4. Outcome is voluntary and long-lasting support that is mutually beneficial
2. Why enchantment
2.1. To fill them with great delight
2.2. Convince people to dream the same dream as you, despite the many obstacles
2.3. One must understand what people are thinking, feeling, and believing in order to enchant them
2.4. Put yourself in their place and ask the same questions they're asking
2.4.1. What does this person want (motives)?
2.4.2. Is the change worth the effort (cost-benefit analysis)?
2.4.3. Can I change?
2.5. It's a marathon, not a sprint
3. How to achieve likability
3.1. First impressions
3.2. Accept others before they accept you
3.3. Get close and make frequent contact
3.4. Don't impose your values
3.5. Pursue and project your passions
3.6. Find shared passions
3.7. Create win-win situations
3.8. Yes attitude
4. How to achieve trustworthiness
4.1. People can like you but not trust you
4.2. Trust others
4.3. Be good-natured, honest, fair, kind, transparent - a "mensch"
4.4. Disclose your interests
4.5. Give for intrinsic reasons
4.6. Gain knowledge and competence (doing)
4.7. Interact with people (physically & virtually)
4.8. Make a bigger pie in lieu of eating more of the same pie
4.9. Enchant people on their own terms
4.10. Position yourself
4.10.1. What you do
4.10.2. Why you exist
4.10.3. What's your sentence?
4.11. Be a hero
5. How to prepare
5.1. Do something great
5.2. Qualities of a great product
5.2.1. Deep (many features)
5.2.2. Intelligent
5.2.3. Complete
5.3. Conduct premortems
5.4. Set yourself up for success
5.5. Make it short, simple, and swallowable
5.6. Provide default options
5.7. Establish and communicate goals
6. How to launch
6.1. More than press releases, data dumps, assertions, and sales pitches
6.2. Captivate people's interest and imagination by telling compelling stories
6.3. It is faith that moves mountains, not facts
6.4. Immerse people in your cause
6.5. Promote trial
6.6. Prime the product
6.7. Plant many seeds
6.8. Figure out number and kind of choices
6.9. Illustrate points
6.10. Get your first follower
7. How to overcome resistance
7.1. Why people are reluctant
7.1.1. Inertia
7.1.2. Hesitation
7.1.3. Fear of making a mistake
7.1.4. Lack of role models
7.1.5. Your cause sucks
7.2. Perception of ubiquity
7.3. Perception of scarcity
7.4. Provide social proof
7.5. Show people your magic
7.6. Find great example
7.7. Find a way to agree
7.8. Find a bright spot
7.9. Assign a label
7.10. Use data to change mind-set
7.11. Enchant all the influencers
7.12. Frame your competition
8. How to make enchantment endure
8.1. Strive for internalization
8.2. Separate the believers from nonbelievers
8.3. Push implementation down
8.4. Use intrinsic methods
8.5. Invoke reciprocity
8.6. Catalyze commitment and consistency
8.7. Build an ecosystem
8.8. Diversify your team
8.9. Promote spreadability
9. How to use technology
9.1. General principles
9.1.1. Engage fast, many, and often
9.1.2. Provide value, info, insights, and assistance
9.1.3. Give credit and benefit of doubt
9.1.4. Don't take any crap
9.1.5. Limit promotion and disclose conflicts
9.2. How to use push technology
9.2.1. Presentations
9.2.2. E-mail
9.2.3. Twitter
9.3. How to use pull technology
9.3.1. Web sites and blogs
9.3.2. Facebook
9.3.3. LinkedIn
9.3.4. YouTube
10. How to enchant your employees
10.1. Provide mastery, autonomy, and purpose
10.2. Empower them to do the right thing
10.3. Judge your results and others' intentions
10.4. Address your shortcomings first
10.5. Suck it up
10.6. Don't ask employees to do what you wouldn't do
10.7. Celebrate success
10.8. Find a devil's advocate
10.9. Good boss manifesto
10.10. Tell them what you want
10.11. How to enchant volunteers
11. How to enchant your boss
11.1. Make your boss look good
11.2. Drop everything and do what your boss asks
11.3. Underpromise, overdeliver
11.4. Prototype your work
11.4.1. Produce quick outline
11.4.2. Show your thinking
11.4.3. Ask for feedback