Mini Vacation!

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Mini Vacation! by Mind Map: Mini Vacation!

1. Check for national holidays...

2. Should we FLY to Takoradi and get a Taxi from there to wherever?

2.1. Looks like ~ 170GHc RT per person - Starbow

2.2. I think it's still cheaper to drive, only the time to get there...

3. Overview Ghana West Coast Accomodations

4. Western Region

4.1. Ecolodges?

4.2. Anomabo

4.3. Ankobra Beach

4.4. Ko-Sa

4.5. Moree Beach Resort

4.6. Sisimbo

4.7. Lou-moon

4.8. Fanta's Folly

4.8.1. pics

4.9. Green Turtle Lodge

4.10. Ezile Bay

4.11. Busua Inn

4.12. Escape3Points

4.13. Axim Beach Resort

4.14. Kedas Lodge at Miamia Beach