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Communications by Mind Map: Communications

1. Basic Types of communication

1.1. List 1

1.1.1. Timed Sequence [aka stream]

1.1.2. Open Sequence [aka file]

1.1.3. Message [aka packet]

1.2. List 2

1.2.1. Sequence Open Closed

2. Transfer Modes

2.1. CO-CS

2.2. CO-PS

2.3. CL-PS

3. Forwarding Modes

3.1. Destination based ( destination aware )

3.2. Channel based ( destination un-aware ) ( aka 'broadcast medium' )

4. Properties of Information

4.1. Copying

4.2. Merging

4.3. Measuring

5. Identification of Information

5.1. Resource

5.2. Forwarding Point

5.3. Forwarding Address

5.4. Sequence of Next-hops

5.5. Communication Instance

5.6. Access Point

6. Topological Components

6.1. Layer Network

6.2. Subnetwork

6.3. Link

6.4. Access Group

7. Transport Processing Functions

7.1. Labeler

7.2. Encoder

7.3. Adapter

7.4. Termination

7.5. Layer Processor

7.6. Forwarder

7.7. Equivocation Handler

8. Axioms

8.1. Telecommunications networks are concerned with the conveyance of information between senders and recipients when the senders and recipients are separated geographically

8.2. The means by which communications can be conveyed by telecommunications networks (resources) is normally limited and therefore needs to be shared amongst many communications

8.3. A telecommunication network needs to be able to select (and therefore identify) a sender of a communication and to select (and therefore identify) the intended recipients of that communication

8.4. The information content of a communication conveyed by the telecommunications network is sometimes subject to loss

8.5. The resources of a telecommunications network are administered by one or more organizations

9. Failure Modes

9.1. CO-CS

9.1.1. Loss

9.1.2. Mis-Connection

9.2. CO-PS

9.2.1. Loss

9.2.2. Mis-Connection

9.2.3. Mis-Merge

9.3. CL-PS

9.3.1. Loss

10. Impairments

10.1. Symbol related

10.1.1. Symbol value degeneration

10.1.2. Symbol order degeneration

10.1.3. Symbol timing degeneration

10.1.4. Symbol delivery degeneration

10.1.5. Symbol non-delivery

10.2. Forwarding relationship related

10.2.1. Unexpected symbols (Ingress port with attached sender)

10.2.2. Symbol miss-delivery (egress port with attached receiver is added)

10.2.3. Ingress port with attached sender is removed

10.2.4. Egress port with attached receiver is removed

10.2.5. Short-break (forwarding relationship modified etc.)