Theories and Perspectives of Learning

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Theories and Perspectives of Learning by Mind Map: Theories and Perspectives of Learning

1. how to learn theory?

1.1. reseach(interview documents question)

1.2. facts

1.3. discussion

1.4. thinking

2. two forms of conditioning emerged

2.1. classical conditioning

2.1.1. association

2.1.2. associate

2.2. oprant conditioning

3. opperant conditioning

3.1. positive reinforcement (presence of pleasant stimulus)

3.2. negative reinforcement(absence of unpleasant stimulus)

3.3. punishment(presence of unpeasant stimulus)

4. long term memory

4.1. episodic memory

4.2. semantic memory

4.3. procedural memory

5. inner world

5.1. instinct

5.2. confidence

5.3. reflaction

5.4. personality

5.5. emational intelligence(EQ)

6. outer world

6.1. environment

7. emotion

7.1. senliament

7.1.1. feeling

7.2. facial expression

7.3. body language

8. Behaviourism

8.1. rote learning

8.2. passive

8.3. task basked lerning

8.4. punishment

8.5. stimull

9. Cognitive theory

9.1. thinking,knowing

9.2. organising

9.3. imformation processing theory

9.4. groups

9.5. knowledge+thinking

9.5.1. organise imformation long term memory repeat drama song

10. Constructivism

10.1. active process

10.1.1. games

10.1.2. drama

10.1.3. presentation

10.2. active participants

10.3. student-centered learning

10.4. active learning