my life in emoji's

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my life in emoji's by Mind Map: my life in emoji's

1. but me and her have a great friendship.

2. now when im in koledz i will...

2.1. sleep most of the time when im lerning about college stuff.

2.1.1. and make a websight just the way i like. and make video games lots of them! and make animaitons for my youtube chanlle!

3. odrasla osoba

3.1. i will make a family.

3.1.1. i will have a nice hose i will have things to need. things to want sometimes.

4. me

4.1. the mean 2nd grader

4.2. and my friend's

4.3. but my mom and step dad are such a heart break!

4.4. but i have to go on with it.

5. my friend raegan.

5.1. she has a terrible lif

6. but i might go on with life and never see her AGAIN!!

6.1. and alll my other friends might leave me to!!!!!!

6.1.1. or they might not like me and run away!!!