Predictive Analytics

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Predictive Analytics by Mind Map: Predictive Analytics

1. Data

1.1. Decline in Attendance

1.1.1. Found from: attendance records or visits to online class/resources

1.2. Students' grades deteriorating

1.2.1. Gradebook records

1.2.2. Quality of work

1.3. Course level requirements

1.3.1. School policies that impact the course

1.3.2. State or institution hour/resource requirements

2. Analytics

2.1. Something at home or disingenuous is going on

2.1.1. Students' attendance reasoning isn't adding up

2.1.2. Something outside of school is impacting attendance

2.2. Assignments need to be calibrated or comprehension needs support

2.2.1. Student grades can indicate if assignments have gotten uncharacteristically difficult or if they don't accurately map to provided resources

2.2.2. Students could be experiencing an external force on their effort or motivation

2.3. School policies and state requirements

2.3.1. Policies may mandate amounts of hours that put undue stress on students' workloads without generating an efficient learning outcome

3. Intervention

3.1. Quick Follow Up

3.1.1. With this information, educators can liaise with attendance monitors or parents quickly to enlist support and clarify student needs

3.2. Examination of Student/Assignment State

3.2.1. Educators can meet with students or talk with counselors to determine if students have too much on their plate or need extra support outside of class

3.2.2. Instructors can revise the weight or clarity of assignments

3.3. Policy change

3.3.1. Understanding the impact this has on students can inform educators to support a change in policy with data