The Enemy Above a novel of world war II

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The Enemy Above a novel of world war II Door Mind Map: The Enemy Above a novel of world war II

1. chapters

1.1. chapter 1

1.1.1. the german army aproached the village

1.2. chapter 2

1.2.1. the german army collected anyone who khew how to work a gun and attcked the jews

1.3. chapter 3

1.3.1. the german soldiers came back with reinforcements and searched for the suspected jews hiding in the area.

1.3.2. Bubbe and Anton were hiding from the german military. while they were hiding bubbe explained to Anton about a secret hiding shelter were they could hide out with the rest of their family.

1.4. chapter 4

1.4.1. the German's military leader von dueson prepared an massive search for jews in the area where anton and bubbe were hiding.

1.5. chapter 5

1.5.1. Anton and bubbe meet the rest of their family at the cross roads and a baker named Sergei took the family of jews all the way to the special hiding spot mentioned in chapter 3.

1.6. chapter 6

1.6.1. the hiding spot held lot's more jews, the jews were very friendly with everyone. The woman made beds out of straws while the men worked on the cave space.

1.6.2. the cave was not all that bad for the residents in it because the people tried to make it feel like home. some people brought ingredients to make some food, even someone even brought a stove.

1.7. chapter 7

1.7.1. after a while in the cave the cave residents made a sort of job list for everyone, men would go out at night and get supplies. the woman would cook food and make items for the cave. daniel is antons best friend and Anton&Daniel watch the base for any german soldiers. even though daniel and anton never spot anything they both know the amount of german soldiers in the area.

1.8. chapter 8

1.8.1. von deuson the german army leader found two jews in the woods but instead of capturing them he followed them into the deeper woods.

1.8.2. von dueson thought of the possibilities of the capturing of a whole base of jews maybe a promotion, or being put into the second in command

1.9. chapter 9

1.9.1. anton and daniel went on a search for water in the cave. after a while daniel and anton did'nt find anything. when they were just about to head back a pile of rocks above anton colassped on anton.

1.9.2. after the rocks piled on anton, Daniel went for help. shortly after Daniel left, a rat came into the narrow passage way. anton named the rat mr.rat, and anton started to talk to the rat.

1.10. Chapter 10

1.10.1. the german army followed the jews they had found deeper into the woods. with every step the guns at the ready. when the jews had reached a dried up lake, they had realized they were being followed. when the jews had reached the boot of the lake they hid among big rocks and plants

1.11. Chapter 11

1.11.1. after anton had been freed from the rock pile he thought up an idea. anton thought that he could use the blocks from the collaspe to build a staircase out of the tunnel. when he build it he thought it would be a good idea.

1.12. Chapter 12

1.12.1. the jews that were being followed by Germans made their way back to the hideout and the Germans lost track of them.

1.13. Chapter 13

1.13.1. when anton went to ask his grandfather about the stair case his uncle said they had been followed throughout the woods.his grandfather said that the staircase might lead them right into enemy hands.

1.14. Chapter 14

1.14.1. major von deuson captured many jews in the cave and put them in a vehicle called a half track. anton was detetmined to get back bubbe and the other

1.15. Chapter 15

1.15.1. anton gathered materials to stop the half track and get back bubbe but he was having no luck. he found a shed and inside was tools but nothing useful. then he spotted a small bucket and when he opened it he gasped.lead nails!

1.16. Chapter 16

1.16.1. anton set up a trap over the dirt road were the half track would soon be going on. the trap was lead nails he had found in a farmers shed. when he was done with the trap he waited for the half track to roll over the road.

1.17. Chapter 17

1.17.1. anton managed to stop the half track. but then he had no plan to get back the captured jews and bubbe

1.18. Chapter 18

1.18.1. after anton had sabotaged the german vehicle the germans were on high alert.also he had to come up with a plan to free bubbe,ina and david.

1.19. Chapter 19

1.19.1. anton retrived bubbe rina and david from von deusons grip.

1.20. Chapter 20

1.20.1. bubbe and anton thought that being split into a smaller group would be harder to find. not even a minute after they split up the soldier shot and killed rina and david.

1.21. Chapter 21

1.21.1. anton found a shelter

1.22. chapter 22

1.22.1. the german army had been very mad and was ready to attack his attackers

1.23. chapter 23

1.23.1. the gestapo had sent a army of men and half tracks to the farmhouse anton was hiding out in, so bubbe and anton had to hide somewhere.

1.24. Chapter 24

1.24.1. the gestapo did not find anton and bubbe

1.25. Chapter 25

1.25.1. anton and bubbe had hid underneath the stairs. the Gestapo had left empty handed, but after he left anton had moved bubbe to the bed in the house.

1.26. chapter 26

1.26.1. major von deuson was forced to return to camp empty handed. because he had no more jews he was reassigned. major von deuson was reassigned to prisoner transport but he had a plan.

1.27. chapter 27

1.27.1. Anton was captured by a German soldier and before he good say something he was silenced by a hand over his mouth.

1.28. Chapter 28

1.28.1. sergent von deuson shot and killed the prisoners he was tranasporting and he disposed of the bodies by putting them into the ditch

1.29. chapter 29

1.29.1. anton and bubbe finally made it to the priest grotto.

1.30. Chapter 30

1.30.1. major von deuson got a lead at his desk job and he is know out for bloody revenge.

1.30.2. major von deuson had been resigned for the actions he took in chapter 28.

1.31. Chapter 31

1.31.1. anton heard screaming voices from the presit grotto as if there was an ambush

1.32. chapter 32

1.32.1. major von deuson got info about the were abouts of the priests grotto

1.33. chapter 33

1.33.1. bubbe died but anton and pavel were reunited as a family when pavel killed major von deuson

2. characters

2.1. main charater

2.1.1. Bubbe / Erica

2.1.2. anton

2.1.3. von deusun

2.1.4. daniel

2.2. jews main idea

2.2.1. Trying to survive without the Nazis finding them

2.3. minor characters

2.3.1. Cave people Papa dimitri pavel Rosen Weiss rina david birnbaum festisov serniov

2.3.2. minor characters that aren't cave people gestapo Mr. Rat Elberhardt sergeant weigert

3. setting

3.1. under ground village

3.2. village

3.3. world war II

3.4. The maze inside the cave

3.5. treeline

3.6. A Random Farm

4. Events

4.1. Main Events

4.1.1. resistance main events Anton's dad went to go fight in the war Bubbe escaped the half track Dmitri found Anton and Bubbe They started making a civilization in a cave They made it to The Priest's Grotto

4.1.2. soldier main events Von Dusen killed many prisoners and none of them escaped The Nazis almost found the Jews The Nazis attacked the village Von Dusen got resigned to a desk job Von dusen found out that there were a bunch of jews hiding somewhere

4.2. minor events

4.2.1. Resistance minor events Bubbe and Anton were going to eat raw potatos some Jews brought stoves when the Nazis attacked Someone Grabbed Anton and covered his mouth David and Rina Died two Jews were almost caught Anton was trapped in the cave because of a rock slide

4.2.2. The Nazis minor events The major forgot to burn the farm the jews were hiding on Major Von Dusen was resigned to escort prisoners The Nazis followed twe Jews until He lost them

5. Main Idea

5.1. Nazis Main Idea

5.1.1. Trying to capture the Jews