Where did I come from ? (My Family)

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Where did I come from ? (My Family) Door Mind Map: Where did I come from ? (My Family)


1.1. Explore the notion of size posing the questions - How many people are in your family? How many rooms are in your family home? How big is your house?

1.1.1. ACTIVITY - Create a graph depicting size of the family in the class (ie 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,) COMPARE AND REFLECT THE DIFFERENCES

1.2. How many meals do you eat together as a family on the weekend? (Saturday and Sunday)

1.3. Explore the notion of age posing the question - Who is the oldest and youngest member(s) of your family?

1.4. Explore the notion of comparison. asking the child How can families be similar and different? (comparison)

1.4.1. Activity - ask a series of questions to all the class and see if children can see any patterns of similarity


2.1. Read a selection of stories and informational texts about FAMILY various topics; family groups and structures and different cultures.

2.2. Texts could include : Whoever you Are by Mem Fox, The Family Book by Todd Parr,My Little Mob from Big Mob Books for Little Fellas, The things I love about my Family by Trace Moroney

2.3. Ask children to share their feelings about the texts

2.4. Discuss with children the concepts brought up in the texts about family, ( family structures, family qualities, how our family supports us, how our family makes us belong etc)

2.5. Discuss the relationships in the stories and how they compare with students own families

2.6. Activity: WORD WALL - discuss as a class and write down a list of words which describe what 'family' means.


3.1. Explore the notion of How is your family related?

3.2. How can families be similar and different?

3.2.1. Discuss in small groups things that your family does to help each other.


4.1. Pose questions about family and places using photographs and encourage children to discuss what makes their family unique and wonderful

4.1.1. How can families be similar and different?

4.2. Discuss the notion of family influencing values and beliefs posing the question: Do we have rules in our house and try to live the best way we can? Discuss as a class

4.2.1. activity : discuss and write down on a wonder wall all the things a family values/ sees as important. activity : explain to the class firstly what 'value' means in this context ( ie sees as important)

4.3. Activity : Pose the question to the children :What special things does your family do together? Draw a picture of this activity

4.4. activity with class to discuss who the people in their family are; where they were born and raised and show how they relate to each other using family tree


5.1. Class discussion -What sort of technology do we use in our house every day for our family? How has technology changed since our grandparents were little?

5.2. Bring in a photo /video which captures a family celebration



6.1.1. Create a collage of images that reflect your family (including photos/drawings/images)

6.2. Draw and label a picture of your family

6.3. ACTIVITY: trace the child's hand in the middle of a piece of paper. get them to take it home and ask the child's family to add to this by tarcing their hand around the child's hand and writing soemthing that family member loves about the child.

6.4. Act out someone in your family when they first wake up in the morning - are the happy/grumpy,loud, quiet?

6.5. Bring in something (ie a photo) that is important to your family and discuss it in front of the class

6.6. Learn and sing the song "how many people live in your house" using the whole class to have a turn to say how many people live in their family.

6.7. learn and sing the song "All you need is love''


7.1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures

7.1.1. Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia Sustainability

7.2. Activity : read about how a family in an Asian country might celebrate their birthday compare to a celebration in Australia

7.3. Activity : Discuss how Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander families might have simialr and different ways of doing things from traditional Australian families.

7.3.1. Discuss the english word family and what it means for Aboriginall people who use the word Clan /Kinship and have extended families