hydraulic arm

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hydraulic arm Door Mind Map: hydraulic arm

1. function

1.1. puck up any things i want

1.2. puck up coco cola can

2. size

2.1. like our fist

2.2. hold things that their diameter nearly to 5.3 cm

3. benefits

3.1. easy to use and control

3.2. doesn't damage easily

3.3. we can use it for many purpose

4. cost

4.1. between 4000 and 6000

4.2. its expensive and its depend to the quality and the company

5. users

5.1. everybody

5.2. robots(automatically)

6. advantages

6.1. helpful

6.2. can be controlled by the user

6.3. small size

7. disadvantages

7.1. its hard to fix it if it damage

7.2. expensive

8. availability places

8.1. malls

8.2. schools

8.3. companies

8.4. homes

9. colors

9.1. any color you like such as:red,white,blue and black

10. materials

10.1. plastic,iron,wood,rubber,syringes,tubes,screws,platinum,glass