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Morality Door Mind Map: Morality

1. Why

1.1. Why did tamatauenga think of killing their parents? Why did he not think of a better solution?

1.2. Why did Tawhiri not feel any pain when he ripped his eyes out?

1.3. Why did tawhiri throw his eyes out into the heavens in anger?

1.4. Why were the first two stars formed in the heavens? what is the word heaven use? does that mean that the universe is heaven?

2. When

2.1. When did the separation of the 2 parents of the 100 children happen?

2.2. When were the two parents created?

2.3. When will the gods come out, if they ever will?

3. Where

3.1. Which way and where did Tane push the parents apart?

3.2. Where did Tane really throw his eyes? the Universe or the heavens?

3.3. Where is the rest of the universe in the myth?

4. What

4.1. What if the children never separated their parents from each other?

4.1.1. What was in the earth at the time of this myth?(Animals, humans, trees)

4.2. What causes rain? The myth explains howw the rivers and lakes were made but what about rain? Could it be from Rangi crying?

5. Who

5.1. Who else was a person from the 100 children born from Papa and Rangi?

5.1.1. Who was the most loved child of the two parents Papa and Rangi?

5.2. Who made the winds, forests and waters?

6. How

6.1. How did tane throw his eyes so far into the heavens?

6.1.1. How did the gods learn what they knew and what they knew how to do if the parents only stayed in the world of their love and cared about nothing else?

6.2. How could Tawhiri see without his eyes?

6.3. How were the parents separated just by putting two poles between them? Was that even necessary?