Privacy and Cyber Terrorism

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Privacy and Cyber Terrorism Door Mind Map: Privacy and Cyber Terrorism

1. Cyber Terrorism

1.1. "the convergence of terrorism and cyberspace. It is generally understood to mean unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers, networks, and the information stored therein when done to intimidate or coerce a government or its people in furtherance of political or social objectives. Further, to qualify as cyber terrorism, an attack should result in violence against persons or property, or at least cause enough harm to generate fear." (Denning 2000)

1.2. War has changed from on the battle field to online resources. Syrian Electronic Army took attack online in 2012 and hacked the associated press twitter feed and posted the news of two bombing's at the White House.

2. Privacy Online VS. Cyberterrorism

2.1. Online Privacy and Cyberterrorism go hand in hand. The development of technology has given a new way to terrorism, an online version. Privacy levels online gives the opportunity for terrorist to gain information and access to social medias and post news like the Syrian Electronic Army did in 2012

3. Privacy and Cyberterrorism oppose

3.1. Privacy online and cyberterrorist oppose each other. If technology was able to have more privacy settings and less ability for people to hack, it would help prevent the issue of cyberterrorism.

3.2. Because our society has become a technological world Cyberterrorism is something that our society and government are going to have to live with and find the best way possible to adapt to the situations.

4. Privacy online

4.1. "Privacy is dead, get over it."

4.2. 93% of teens between 14-17 share their real name on social media, 94% share a photo of themselves and 72% share where they live.

4.3. 49% of Canadian's agree that it is acceptable for the government to monitor peoples emails.

5. Comparison between privacy online and cyberterrorism

5.1. NATO Review has listed the attacks and hackings that have occurred since 2006. for example "summer of 2008 The databases of both Republican and Democratic presidential campaigns were hacked and downloaded by unknown foreign intruders."

5.2. If privacy was as advanced as our cyber world would cyberterrorism exist?

5.3. In a post from the FBI after the 2009 cyber terrorist event "our networked systems leave a gaping and widening hole in the security posture of both our private sector and government systems."

6. References

6.1. Madden M. (2013) Teens, Social Media, and Privacy

6.2. Steven R. Chabinsky(2009) Preventing Terrorist Attacks and Protecting Privacy Rights in Cyberspace

6.3. Denning (2000)