Door closing robot

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Door closing robot Door Mind Map: Door closing robot

1. How is it going to work?

2. What will we need for it?

2.1. For this project we will need

2.2. Legos

2.2.1. A door

3. Do you think it will even work?

3.1. I think that this will work.

4. Could it be harmful in a way?

4.1. This robot will not be harmful

5. How is this going to help people

5.1. If your disabled, and physically can't walk, you wouldn't have to get up

6. How are we going to build it?

6.1. We will build this project with legos

7. Will there be any disadvantages to this idea?

7.1. I don't think there will be any clear disadvantages, but there could be one if it just shuts down.

8. How much will it be

8.1. It will be $100