Renovable energy

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Renovable energy Door Mind Map: Renovable energy

1. Benefices and desadventajes

2. renewable and not renewable resorces

3. They do not contaminate, do not need to guard his residues during million years and are energies of sources that are inexhaustible

4. the Initial investment, the availability and some resources possess a diffuse nature

5. Alternative energy sources

6. Climate change

7. Alteration of the composition of the world atmosphere

8. The principal reasons have been the burning of fossil fuels and the changes in the use of the land, which carbon dioxide (Co2) and other greenhouse gases have liberated

9. electric energy as a solution to the pollutant nuclear power or to those who consume fossil fuels

10. solar energy

11. eolian energy

12. Not renewable resorces

13. hidraulic energy