What's causing violence and how can we change it.

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What's causing violence and how can we change it. Door Mind Map: What's causing violence and how can we change it.

1. Neuroscience

1.1. Neuroscience discusses the Triune brain. Reptilian/Mammalian/Primate and states our amygdala will always revert to fear based reactivity unless we can utilise our prefrontal cortex to override and distinguish between real and percieved threat.

1.2. Are we wired to be hypervigilant and reactive?

2. Feminism

2.1. Browning Miller suggests men have always used the penis as a weapon to control women.

3. Personality disorders

3.1. has the difference in parenting caused Narcissism and entitlement attitudes in the Millennials leading to controlling behaviours. Has this extended to relationships with women?

3.1.1. Paul Piff suggests narcissm can be decreased when admired leaders model respectful relationships iwth others.

3.1.2. Does this mean our politicians could be influential in changing what is acceptable by changing their behaviour. Can powerful people model good behaviour.

4. Do we need to be supporting men to develop emotional intelligence

4.1. kaufman suggests mens groups can give men a forum for safe expression of feeling and emotion alleviating repression and anger.

4.2. Do we need more examples of male vulnerability balanced with maleness

5. Creativity

5.1. Is creativity and freedom important to changing attitudes. Do we need universal welfare? Would this alter our sense of repression/freedom. Work/life balance?

6. How do other social variables impact on the likelihood of male violence

6.1. Trauma adn abuse in past histories

6.2. Substance use (linked to trauma)

6.3. Cultures of violence among communities

6.4. Rural locations increase risk of violence

6.5. Socioeconomic circumstance adn oppression - disempowerment

6.6. The belief that one is superior in intelligence and has the right to control or reprimand others

6.7. Women more susceptible if they have come from abusive pasts/famliy violence/sexual abuse

7. Biological predisposition

7.1. some authors suggest male violence is a biological predisposition

7.2. Social biological theory

8. Socio cultural forces

8.1. Sanday cross cultural study suggests prevalence of sexual violence is related to cultural forces

8.1.1. Societies where there is a mutual respect for women and the environment are virtually free of sexual violence

8.2. Kaufman suggests repression of the feminine aspects of men cause frustration and acting out

9. Education & Language

9.1. Are we perpetuating unhelpful stereotypes and inequality at school level.

9.2. Childrens brains are wired up to age 6 and that conditioning stays with them their entire lives. Is early intervention the key?

9.3. Do we need to be changing curriculum to incorporate diversity and educate children about their privelege and how to have respectful relationships.

10. Climate change

10.1. Climate change and a renewed concern for the planet - could this be a new connection back to nature.

11. Meditation and Mindfulness

11.1. do we need to be raising consciousness and building better capacity to control our fear reactivity and create a calm mind.