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The Mayans Door Mind Map: The Mayans

1. maintaining order of society and the balance of the two dimensions

2. Writing

2.1. Hieroglyphic Writing

2.1.1. like no other writing system

2.1.2. a number of simple word-pictures or a sophisticated phonetic system

2.1.3. combinations of only 26 signs—that list of letters we call an Alphabet.

2.2. Logographic Writing

3. The Collapse of the Maya

3.1. Theories

3.1.1. Ecological

3.1.2. Non-ecological

4. Government

4.1. Not a unified empire

4.1.1. A multitude of separate entities

4.2. Priest were the rulers also

4.2.1. Only priests/rulers/kings were allowed to be in the temples.

4.2.2. The priests lived in huge palaces.

4.2.3. Priests in small villages were the godfathers and assisted in births.

4.2.4. Priests led ceremonies like ch'acak to please the gods.ew node

4.3. hereditary= absolute monarchy

4.4. Taxes were paid

4.5. Crimes were punished with death

4.6. Social Hierarchy

4.6.1. Nobles

4.6.2. Commoners

4.6.3. Slaves

5. Religion

5.1. Gods

5.1.1. Itzamna main god brought his people maize and cacao and taught them script, healing, and the use of calendars superhuman strength, stamina, vitality and resistance to injury. He also has the ability to tap into and manipulate mystical energies on the level of Zeus, Odin or Osiris

5.1.2. Kukulcan god of resurrection and reincarnation god of four elements, earth, water fire, air

5.1.3. Chac rain god associated with the wind god, Kukulcan

5.2. Rituals

5.2.1. Sacrifices Bloodletting was a Mayan practice. Bloodletting is the cutting (not necessarily killing) of a person or animal to release blood. Source of blood dependent on the desired outcome of the ritual. Small animals were used for smaller requests and big animals were used for more grand rituals. Ex: Seventeen jaguars were sacrificed to dedicate a temple altar in the city of Copan.

5.2.2. Methods Cutting throat, disemboweling, casting into a well, cutting open chest and removing a still beating heart.

5.2.3. Reasons Bring rain, increase crops, and dedicate temples and ball courts.

5.3. Ball Courts

5.3.1. Much like modern day basketball

5.3.2. Winning captain would be decapitated. Considered a great honor. Winner would get a direct ticket to heaven instead of going through the 13 steps that the Mayan's believed they had to go through in order to reach heaven..

5.3.3. The field, size of football field, is bordered by two imposing walls 26 feet tall. Seven combatants on each team tried to get a small rubber ball to go through a small stone hoop 23 feet above the ground without using their hands or feet to touch the ball.

6. Technology

6.1. Math

6.1.1. Calendar predict when the sun would set what time of day it was even predicted the world would end in 2012

6.1.2. numeral system Three symbols horizontal line, a dot and a oval symbol

7. Society

7.1. Class System

7.2. Clothing

7.3. Marriage

7.4. Hygiene

8. Military

8.1. Weapons

8.1.1. the bow and arrow, blowguns, spears, axes, knives with blades of volcanic glass , and spear-throwing slings called ‘atatls’.

9. Geography/topography

9.1. Central America

9.1.1. What is now Yucatan, Guatemala, Belize and southern mexico

9.2. Topography

9.2.1. volcanic mountains, which comprised the highlands in the South, to a porous limestone shelf, known as the Lowlands, in the central and northern regions

9.2.2. Lowlands- produced crops

9.2.3. Highlands- source of metals

10. Agriculture

10.1. Farming

10.1.1. Highlands

10.1.2. Lowlands

10.2. Crops

10.2.1. Maize Preparation of maize 1. Kernels boiled in lime 2. Hominy ground into dough 3. Dough made into 'tamales' or 'tortillas'

10.2.2. Beans

10.2.3. Squash

10.2.4. Chile peppers

10.2.5. Sweet manoic

11. Architecture

11.1. Pyramids

11.1.1. Made of Limestone and clay

11.1.2. Two types of Pyramids Ones that where not meant to be climed Ones that were meant to be climed These where used for religious reasons

11.1.3. Used as landmarks, and sometimes a burial for high ranking Officials

11.2. Temples

11.2.1. Limestone and clay

11.2.2. were important to their ritual value

11.2.3. priest would preform their sacrifical ritual on these temples

11.2.4. Behind the plat form would be a picture of the god of that city

11.2.5. Each mayan city had one

11.3. Houses

11.3.1. Made out of organic material Straw, Mud, Clay, Stone, Wood

12. Basic History and information

12.1. Dates

12.1.1. 10th millennium BCE

12.1.2. Mayan Time periods Classic period Pre-Classic Post-Classic

12.2. Cities

12.3. Inventions

13. Economy

13.1. Primly crop

13.2. Food and agriculture

13.3. Farmers were a big part to the economy

13.3.1. Brought in food for the civilization

13.4. TRADE

13.4.1. Domesticated animals, crops, and jewelery

13.4.2. Farmers gave a portion of their crop away for wealth

13.4.3. small towns did not need to take part in long-distance trading trade to local bartering and exchange

14. Art

14.1. Paintings

14.1.1. Mostly done in their books

14.1.2. On stone, walls, clothing, pottery, rocks ,and sometimes jade

14.1.3. Mainly painted on their wars, depressions and ceremonies

14.2. Jewelery

14.2.1. Most important for apperance

14.3. Apperance

14.3.1. Long necks

14.3.2. Flat heads

14.3.3. Hooked nose

14.4. Body art

14.4.1. Different colors of body paint Priest wore blue, Warriors wore red and black, and the youth wore white

14.4.2. Piercings