Elementary Apps

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Elementary Apps Door Mind Map: Elementary Apps

1. Creating Apps

1.1. Prezi: Students use prezi in the upper grade levels to present different presentations. Students are able to present information in fun, bubble like presentations. The app is free and it saves the different presentations students have so they can access them on any computer in the school.

1.2. GoogleSlides: This program allows students to present presentations like powerpoint does but it is online. Students are able to create something at school and work on it at home as well. It gives students the opportunity to create presentations to share with their class. Our 8th grade students use GoogleSlides to create slides for 8th grade graduation. The teacher is also able to get on and edit their slides for them to revise.

1.3. PicCollage: This is an app that you can upload pictures and create a collage, a grid, or edit pictures. Students just have to take a picture on either a computer, phone, tablet, or camera and upload it. You can add text and different types of layouts. This is a fun way for students to present information to the class. For example, they could create a collage over a president and add different words to describe them.

2. Communication Apps

2.1. ClassDojo: Class Dojo allows parents to communicate with me through our class dojo app. I post pictures, videos, updates and give students points on this app. Parents can view all of this as well as message me individually. This app is available android and iOS.

2.2. Hangouts: This is an app that allows people to communicate throughout group messages or individual messages. Video chat is also used in this app. Our school uses this app to have morning meetings. It is web-based, android and iOS.

2.3. Remind101: This app allows parents and teachers to communicate through groups or individual messages. You can create different groups for things such as an individual classroom or the whole school. This is available on android and iOS.

3. Assessment Tools

3.1. MobyMax: This app assesses student progress. Teachers have the ability to create their own assessments and administer it to the class. Students earn time to play games by answering questions correctly. This incentive works well and the students work super hard to earn game time. This app provides teachers with information on students progress.

3.2. IXL: This app provides students with individualized instruction. Students are asked questions and earn badges for the amount of questions they get right. Teachers are able to monitor in real time. They also are provided with an assessment of how well students are doing in different categories. We use this in every class in our school. It gives teachers an insight of how students are doing on different subjects as well as provides them with the questions they were asked and what they answered. It is a great assessment tool.

3.3. Kahoot: This app is a free app that is a game-based and provides students with quizzes. These quizzes are game based so it keeps students entertained while learning and being assessed. This app also provides teachers with feedback on how students are doing in different subjects.