My ideal early human settlement

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My ideal early human settlement Door Mind Map: My ideal early human settlement

1. Making the most of the natural resources:

1.1. Animals

1.1.1. For skin, fur and feathers can be used for clothes or blankets or to help make your shelter

1.1.2. Bones can be made into tools or knives or needles for sewing

1.1.3. Bones could also be made into jewelry

1.1.4. Food You can also have produce like eggs and milk from animals Meat

1.2. Trees from the forest

1.2.1. Wood for making camp fires to cook food to keep warm to keep away scary animals like wolves and bears so we can see to bring the village all together for making buildings to make weapons and tools

1.2.2. leaves and branches help to make shelter from the rain leaves could be used to write on

1.3. Plants

1.3.1. for food berries, fruits and vegetables

1.3.2. seeds to grow more

1.3.3. soil to grow plants in

1.3.4. to make medicines

1.4. sunshine

1.4.1. to help everything grow

1.4.2. to provide good light

1.5. crops

1.5.1. straw for food - can make flour for bread to keep warm to make bedding to build houses and other buildings bedding for animals

1.5.2. hay to feed the animals to build houses and other buildings to make bedding

1.6. rocks and stones

1.6.1. for camp to build houses and other buildings

1.6.2. to help with building the campfires

1.6.3. use big stones to grind the corn to make flour

1.6.4. use caves to live in

1.6.5. use flint for making fires

1.6.6. you could sharpen the stones to make weapons like spear heads and arrow tips

2. If it is near to the river the people could use this for:

2.1. water for drinking

2.1.1. water for cooking

2.2. water for the animals

2.3. water for plants and crops

2.4. this could be a way to travel and take things to another village

2.4.1. so you can buy and sell things (trade)

2.5. washing

2.6. food from catching fish

3. My buildings - I would have:

3.1. homes and houses

3.1.1. small huts made from wood sticks, stones or rocks, mud and straw

3.2. a village building for everyone to use for prayers and worship and getting together for special days

3.2.1. a big hut made from wood sticks, stones or rocks, mud and straw

3.2.2. near to this i would have a graveyard for all the people who have died each person could have their own grave

3.3. school

3.3.1. in a cave so the walls can be drawn on and the children can do their work on the walls