US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned Door Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

1.1. Prohibition

1.1.1. There was an Amendment made that had banned the selling and importing of alcohol. This created speakeasies and more people making and selling alcohol illegally.

1.1.2. This led to more gangs created and more violence. When the government had banned alcohol, it increased violence and had a negative affect.

1.2. Credit

1.2.1. Credit became popular and many people started using credit to pay for anything and everything. This had caused much debt in the U.S. and led to the Great Depression. When society becomes too in debt they are in big trouble when society goes down (recession).

1.3. 1920s Working Class Situation

1.3.1. Immigrants were taking factory jobs. When wages go up and hours go down, they have more time to enjoy life. Such as go to the movie theater.

1.4. Great Depression

1.4.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems. It cost a lot of money and government debt increased.

1.5. Cause of Great Depression:

1.5.1. Stocks crashed so wages were cut. The lifestyles of many were decreasing and it became harder for people to pay for things and even put food on the table. This happen

1.6. Products

1.6.1. As goods were mass produced, the cheaper they would become.

1.7. The Great Depression

1.7.1. Do not keep buying stock when in debt. When applying for loans make sure they can be paid back.

1.8. World War 2

1.8.1. supporting other countries will lead them to support us and economic gain

1.9. Cold War: Containment

1.9.1. During Korean/Cold war taxes were increased and things became more expensive because of the action on containment. Containment is costly

1.10. Cold War

1.10.1. We want strong trading partners. Trade is good. So by helping others will increase your trade partners and you trading in general

1.11. Bus Boycotts

1.11.1. African Americans are important to the economy and society and impact economic growth/decay.

2. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

2.1. The Great Migration African Americans moving to the North from the South for better opportunities and to get away from the KKK and racism.

2.2. Holocaust

2.2.1. America did not know the extent of the Holocaust and refused many Jews from entering the country and Hitler was able to find them and kill them.

2.3. Communist Cuba

2.3.1. When a government takes away private business, then there will be mass migration of its citizens to other countries.

2.4. Great Migration

2.4.1. Young people caused a change and are more likely to lead and try to make a change. They can leave.

2.5. Vietnam War

2.5.1. After Vietnam war ended, many people fled Vietnam to escape the spreading of communism, showing how Viet Cong and the North won the war because the US had backed out leaving an inexperienced army. People fled because Saigon had been taken over. Lesson learned was the America's actions effect others, not just America.

3. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

3.1. MAIN

3.1.1. When leaders focus to much an MAIN, it distablizes world peace.

3.2. Great Depression: FDR vs. Hoover

3.2.1. We learned that you can not always help everyone no matter how hard you try you will always disappoint someone. FDR was focused on giving people jobs and trying to help them to provide welfare, but while he was doing this he was hurting companies and people who were already ruining businesses. Hoover had ran for presidency at the wrong time because no matter what he did, even if he took a peaceful approach. It still looked like he was not helping

3.3. Pivotal Battles (WW2)

3.3.1. A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively (appeasement does not work) Having an "enemy" become an ally promotes competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war.

3.4. End of War (World War 2)

3.4.1. Leader like Hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat

3.5. Assassination

3.5.1. JFK, MLK, and Malcolm X all were killed due to supporting or fighting for Civil Rights. If someone is killed for supporting civil rights it will just lead to more people fighting.

3.6. Emmett Till's Open Casket

3.6.1. His open casket causes a movement to start. It was the spark to make a shame. It showed the world what happened to him.

3.7. Vietnam War

3.7.1. Nixon declared war on Vietnam, not knowing the strength of the enemy. Resulted in a loss. Do not declare a war on something you can't win and do not have a strong enough cause to be at war. Viet Cong was superior.

4. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

4.1. Prohibition

4.1.1. The Government had spent so much money to enforce it.

4.2. Great Depression: New Deal

4.2.1. The government had tried to make agencies that would help give jobs to people. This helped the ones who were struggling and in need of a job, but it also hurt business owners and others who already had jobs. Government less involved.

4.3. Totalitarianism (Causes of World War 2)

4.3.1. When one leader has too much power, they can do whatever they want if they are not challenged

4.4. Holocaust

4.4.1. Since Hitler was in power and kept pushing limits with persecution and no one stopped him, he was able to continue what he was doing and kill that many people.

4.5. Great Society

4.5.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs government debt will increase

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. World War 1

5.1.1. When the US is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

5.1.2. Forming Allies can draw the country into a broader conflict.

5.2. Treaty of Versailles (Causes of World War 2)

5.2.1. When there are attempts at blaming one country, conflict will result

5.3. World War 1

5.3.1. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent if it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out. Former allies can draw the country into a broader conflict.

5.4. Cold War

5.4.1. NATO Allies are sometimes useful. NATO was an alliance where one attack on one of the counties is an attack on all. Alliance was strong

5.5. Vietnam War

5.5.1. America wanted to stop the spread of communism, defended South Vietnam, but underestimated the strength of Viet Cong. Resulting in a loss. Lesson: Do not go to war, just to go to war. You need a motivating factor, like Viet Cong because they had more to fight for.

6. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

6.1. Women's Rights: Women had gained the right to vote in the 1920s due to increases pressure from the women. Women also had became more independent and liberated.

6.2. America on the Homefront (WW2)

6.2.1. Disenfranchised groups are needed in times when there is a connecting issue

6.3. Harlem Renassiance

6.3.1. It was new to African Americans that were migrating form other countries and places in America.

6.4. Sit-Ins

6.4.1. If you non-violently protest and continue it to do it no matter what, even if you are arrested, you will make an impact.

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. World War 1:Warfare

7.1.1. When there is a lot of new technology in society we will not be prepared for war and whats going to happen in war.

7.2. End of War

7.2.1. New powerful weapons can quickly end war when one side has them

8. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

8.1. Articles

8.1.1. During World War 1,

8.2. America on the Homefront (WW2)

8.2.1. The media, when necessary, can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people to aid in war efforts

8.3. World War 2

8.3.1. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed by better ones (AKA "I gavee a man, give a war bond.

8.4. World War 2

8.4.1. The American media before the war did not glorify the killing and persecution of jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events.

8.5. Cold War

8.5.1. Red Scare Fear was spread through media (TV). Joseph McCarthy used media to spread fear to gain popularity and win election. TV can have a huge impact on a national level negatively and positively.

8.6. Freedom March

8.6.1. Media shows the reality of what happens and the extent of how bad something can be. (cameras at the march showing what happened)

8.7. Vietnam War

8.7.1. Nixon had lied to the public about Vietnamization saying it was successful when it wasn't. This made people unable to trust government. Lesson learned; to be truthful to the public so that people can trust the government.

8.8. Vietnam War

8.8.1. At home, TV's were covering the war and the body counts, which made many Americans upset and uncomfortable. media has a huge impact of the opinions of Americans. The media encouraged many Americans to disagree with the Vietnam War.