Nikola Rowe

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Nikola Rowe Door Mind Map: Nikola Rowe

1. Coach Julie - My coach has been with me for years and knows that I'm able to work my hardest and could help me coach a younger age

2. Friends - My friends (Abby and Izzy) both have jobs and they could either recommend me or get me into places.

3. My Relatives - My grandpa worked as an airplane engineer and he could help suggest me because that's an area i wish to get involved in

4. Co-workers - They have worked with me before and can help back me up with other job choices

5. Friends Parents - They know me well enough to put in a good word or could even recommend a job for me.

6. Principal - Gives a work ethic/principals list award and a letter of recommendation for me to use for jobs

7. My Parents - My parents can recommend me to the jobs they think I'm capable of having

8. Family Friends - Family friends have been able to get me job by showing and recommending me to places

9. Teachers - My teachers can see the work qualities in me and because of job advertisements in school, could help get me employed

10. Dad's co workers - Could recommend internships for me, in a place of work (recommended detailing)