Laten we beginnen. Het is Gratis
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ABM Door Mind Map: ABM

1. Physical Education

1.1. I learn the Fundamental skills and proper Health and sports

2. Research

2.1. i learn how the proper research and kinds of research

3. Social Science

3.1. I learn About history and many more

4. Bible

4.1. I learn About the Bible and verses of God

5. English 4

5.1. I learn Paraphrasing ,summarizing and profesional skills

6. Reading and Writing

6.1. I learn how to Write letters and etc.

7. Oral Communication

7.1. I learn the proper way of Communicating and also the kind of speech

8. Fundamentals in Accounting

8.1. I learn Basic Accounting like assets, Liabilities and owners Equity etc.

9. Statistics and Propability

9.1. I learn about the mean variable and propability.

10. General Mathematics

10.1. I l.earn Fraction and other basic Mathematics

11. Filipino

11.1. I learn "Pagbasa At Pananaliksik"

12. Etech

12.1. I learn/know how to use Photoshop,excel and website,kinds and parts of the computer and also typing.

13. Business Math

13.1. i learn the kinds of Commission ,GCF and aslo LCD

14. Organization & Business Management

14.1. I learn Planning, Organizing, leading and Controlling

15. Physical Science and Biology

15.1. i learn about Compound Element ,Therioes and many More