Laten we beginnen. Het is Gratis
of registreren met je e-mailadres
Pépé José Door Mind Map: Pépé José

1. Production costs

1.1. ID recepits

1.2. Products Name

1.3. List product

1.4. Quantity of recepits

1.5. CMP

1.6. Total Products costs

1.7. Fixed costs

1.7.1. ID Fixed costs

1.7.2. Name fixed costs

1.7.3. Cost minutes

1.7.4. Total Fixed costs

2. Net costs

2.1. ID recepits

2.2. Name

2.3. Total Products Costs

2.4. Total Fixed costs

3. BDD Products

3.1. ID Products

3.2. Products name

3.3. Providers

3.4. Price

3.5. Base

3.6. Valours

3.7. CMP

3.8. MAJ

4. BDD Orders

4.1. ID Recepits

4.2. Recepits

4.3. Quantity

5. Shopping list

5.1. ID Products

5.2. Products name

5.3. Quantity

5.4. Providers