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Referrals Door Mind Map: Referrals

1. Different Programs

1.1. Paid Program

1.1.1. 5% Commision for the First Deal (MS and PR@ctive 12 month value) Upfront

1.1.2. Todo Expand Product Offering

2. The referral Engine -Book Notes

2.1. The Referral Engine

2.1.1. Humans are hardwired to share information they trust, an impulse you can use to your business's advantage Only present relevant and useful information By showing it can be trusted to provide a stella solution Build trust

2.1.2. Referrals come from standing out and following your purpose Why might a cusomer refer you? Differentiation Inovate or Simplyfy

2.1.3. FInd your ideal customers and cater to them Think of current customer that brings profit and referrals From there be detailed as possible incorporate real customer stories Ask questions about the challenges your customer face The people they trust Why they referred us Produce key stories that'll erngage your customers emotionally

2.1.4. Offering valuable content and gathering customer testimonials will provide the foundation for your marketing approach Write a five to 20 page educational white paper based on the core principles of your business. THe Future Logic manifesto Create additional Content based on it and publish this Take customer questions and answer them in a blog post Testimonial party Videos

2.1.5. Leverage online ads, pr and speaking engagements to spread your content Marketing exposure Press Coverage Subscribe to journalist and podcaster content analyse what they like are interested in and pitch to them Speaking engagements See Ivan letter Expand on our white paper Some ideas Offer something - Sign up free short course something analyse your bill etc

2.1.6. Successful Referral-based marketing combines in-person and online tactics Combine Online with Inperson After meeti9ng connect on linkedin and share something useful to them 1) Publish Links to your educational content through social media account 2) Actively share quality content and engage prospective customers 3) Focus on partnerships by offering value and letting your educational content sell your product for you Blogs are powerful here Three blogs per week incorporating keywords identified through word tracker or google keywords tool Gest Bloggers

2.1.7. Facilitate Customer Network Referrals through a systematic referral process Every customer gets a bill of rights. What there rights are and what they can expect from your business Onboarding document Automated emails Onboarding process Foster customer loyalty Ask for there input Hand written notes with movie tickets Gift certificates or referral cards they could give

2.1.8. Build a strategic partner network with business that share your target market WHo would you happily referr Send a letter of indroduction communicating that you have customers ask for the value propositions CO-branding opportunities Give an informational workshop to their customers Joint marketing ventures Massage therapist at our presentations

2.1.9. Make a plan to receive referrals and thank those wo make them When to ask Employees involve Every customer interaciton to connect the customer and brand Start giving referrals in order to recieve them Make a referral monday initive PLan on how you follow up with them M<aking the referal feel special that they were refered so somehting extra like a box of choclates or something so they feel special Make sure the referal souces feel appreciated for ther work regardless of the outcome Handling poor referrals well get clear what happended and who is our ideal customer Keep the loop upto date Publicly thanking them

2.1.10. Final Summary Actionable advice: Create a list of trigger phrases What words that a prospective customer is likely to say when communicating that he's looking for what we have to offer Develop the list of such phrases Add them to our educational program

2.2. Building the Engine

2.2.1. 1) We started setting expectations with potential customers early. Before a customer even buys our product, we started setting expectations that we would ask them for a referral (when we deliver on our promise). On the sales pages and other pages about our products, we explain that our mission is to make them so happy and successful they will want to tell their friends and co-workers about us. This has the dual purpose of setting expectations that we are committed to their success and happiness, and that we will ask them for a referral once we’ve delivered on that promise.

2.2.2. 2) We created a “Customer Welcome Kit” that welcomes every new customer, and helps them succeed. Another excellent suggestion from the book was to create a customer welcome kit. We followed this advice and created a customer download area so that each customer could log in and get 24/7 access to the latest version of our software, our support, and step-by-step training guides.

2.2.3. 3) We added some unexpected bonuses for our customers in the customer welcome area. For example, we found that the biggest issue for many of our small business customers was learning how to do things in WordPress. So we licensed a series of 20 short WordPress tutorial videos and included them free to our customers. We are also experimenting with other “surprises” for our customers, like written thank you notes and gifts, and other fun ways to let them know we care about them and their success.

2.2.4. 4) We now ASK for referrals at key points in the customer relationship, and make it safe and easy for customers to refer us to their friends and family. We’re learning the crucial points to ask for referrals, and how to do that in a way that our customers feel safe and want to refer us. For example, in the book, John points out that there are key times in your customer interactions that are best for asking for referrals. Strangely, right after a support request is one of them. That wasn’t obvious to me at first. Now we’re working on ways to politely ask for referrals from our customers in a risk free way, and to make it easy for them.

3. 15 Ways to get Referrals

3.1. Be referable. To make referral marketing a proactive part of your lead generation activities, you need to actually be referable. Ensure that you deliver what you promise, when you promise. Your clients need to be able to speak to the value you provide.

3.2. Don't rely on accidental referrals. It's important to get clear on who you want to attract as clients and how your network can help you get referrals to those clients.

3.3. Don't wait for the pipeline to dry up. Put a sales referral process into place now to drive high quality referrals consistently so that you're not left scrambling when the pipeline stops flowing.

3.4. Here are 15 ways to get more sales referrals in no particular order:

3.4.1. 1. Create a referral program with complementary providers to exchange referrals. Be sure you only include providers in this network that you'd be comfortable recommending to your best client or best friend.

3.4.2. 2. Recognize and thank your referral sources. This could be with a simple phone call, email, or even better, a handwritten note. The important thing is to express your appreciation. You'll also encourage additional referrals this way.

3.4.3. 3. If you have clients who don't refer, create another way for them to recommend you (e.g., case study, testimonial). I once worked for a large organization that prohibited written testimonials and discouraged referrals; however, I was able to provide recommendations by phone for vendors with which I worked. Two vendors I worked with took advantage of this opportunity and closed several deals by having select high-value prospects speak with me.

3.4.4. 4. Make sure your current clients know about all the products and services you offer and how you help so they can either refer within their company or to others they know. Too often sellers assume their clients know more about them than they do. If you're a market research firm and a client uses only your online survey research services, for example, make sure they know about your intercept interview service or focus group capabilities.

3.4.5. 5. Add a link to a form on your website for referral submissions.

3.4.6. 6. Be remarkable; remind clients why your company is special. Give them something (good) to talk about.

3.4.7. 7. Inspire confidence. It's risky referring someone—what if it's not successful? You can inspire confidence in your referral sources by letting them know that 80% (or whatever) of your business comes from repeat customers.

3.4.8. 8. Offer a referral commission.

3.4.9. 9. Provide valuable content your referral sources can share with their network—an invitation to a breakfast or lunch seminar or webinar on an industry topic, research briefs, an article about a regulatory change or industry trend, etc. Make it something special for them to share.

3.4.10. 10. Treat the vendors and suppliers with which you do business as partners. Make sure they're aware of who and how you help.

3.4.11. 11. Update your LinkedIn profile and stay engaged with your contacts regularly. Read: 15 Ideas for Selling with LinkedIn

3.4.12. 12. Create a list of buyers you want to work with. Check out their LinkedIn profiles to see whether you're connected in any way. If so, reach out to them via your network—whether it's an individual, a company, or a group.

3.4.13. 13. Treat your clients as partners, too. Let them know you view them as a strategic partner, and tell them you hope they'll do the same with you. Create formal channels to share referrals.

3.4.14. 14. Give a referral. It's one of the best ways to get one in return.

3.4.15. 15. Ask for referrals. You’ll get a lot more referrals if you ask for them. As you’re completing a project with a client, simply ask if they know anyone who would benefit from something similar.

3.4.16. Get More Referrals 1. Create a referral program 2. Thank your referral sources 3. Offer alternate ways to recommend you 4. Educate current customers across all products and services 5. Add a link for referral submissions 6. Be remarkable 7. Inspire confidence 8. Offer a referral commission 9. Provide content referral sources can share 10. Treat vendors and suppliers as partners 11. Update your LinkedIn profile 12. Create a list of buyers you want referrals to 13. Treat your clients as partners 14. Give a referral 15. Ask for referrals

4. Design and Operate a Referral System

4.1. Overview - The Rules

4.1.1. Become more referable before you pass go you must analyze every way that your business interacts with customers and prospects – marketing related or not – and inject positive, brand supporting elements into the each interaction – many referrals are lost because shipping or finance roughed up the relationship.

4.1.2. Target your sources 1) look at your customers under a microscope – what’s the profile of a customer that’s already referring business? Find that out and focus most of your attention on that kind of customer by making it easier for them to refer. 2) who else has your ideal customer as a target? Strategic partners should be a major focus of attention. This is the place where you need to look long and hard at your ability to make referrals to others – give and you shall receive! * In a recent survey I conducted on referrals respondents felt that less than 30% of their referrals came from strategic partners – I think that should be more like 60%

4.1.3. Educate your sources Ever get a bad referral? It was probably your fault. We can’t or shouldn’t ask for referrals until we tell our referral sources in great detail – how they would spot our ideal customers, the kinds of things our ideal customer might say to signal them as a lead, and the exact way/words to use when telling a prospect about us.

4.1.4. Motivate your sources Money for referrals is usually a crummy motivation, but a creative, on message kind of offer that turns referring business to you into a game is a great way to motivate your referral sources and shine a light on the subject of referrals for all. Of course, saying thank you never hurts either.

4.1.5. Follow-up with all A referred lead is different, you’ve got to be prepared to follow-up in a different manner – in all likelihood the sales cycle will be different as well, plan on it. Follow-up also includes your referral sources. Build feedback loops so that your referral sources get to know how much good that are doing by referring your business. Create key indicators of referral success and make them part of your marketing measurement dashboard.

4.1.6. All this talk of a systematic approach to referrals is great, but never forget my golden rules of referral or no system will work – Don’t be boring, don’t be rude, give to get.

4.2. The Referral Operation parts:

4.2.1. Get an expectation mindset first step is to believe that you deserve referrals and more than that, you are doing your customers and network a disservice by not allowing them an easy path to bring the tremendous value your products and services can deliver to those in need. If you can’t get past this point any system you devise will break down under the weight of your fear that you are simply begging for business. The mindset must pervade your entire organization – it’s everyone’s job to create, nurture and convert leads by way of thrilled customers. In addition, your lead conversion process must contain the condition of referral generation as part of the deal. “We know you are going to be so thrilled with what we’ve agreed upon today Ms. Customer that in 90 days we are going to schedule a meeting to gauge just how great your results have been and at that time we are going to allow you to introduce us to 3 others that you know need these same results.” Now, some might find the above statement hard to get to fall from their mouth, but I’m telling you it’s the most positive marketing message you can utter – we know you are going to be so thrilled you will refer us. You’ve still got to deliver, but when you do, you’ve established referrals as an expectation and condition in the relationship. It really is that simple.

4.2.2. Segments customers from partners You need completely different referral approaches and offers for customers and strategic partners. By targeting your approach to these segments you can more easily develop programs that make sense and motivate for the right reasons. For customers the likely motivation is that they like what you do so much they want to refer you and you simply need to stay top of mind and make it easy for them to do. Hint: Ask and remind! For partners the motivation is quite different. Your job here is to effectively position referring you in a way that helps them add value to the relationships they already have with their customer. In that vain, the simplest way to do that is create valuable education based content, in the form of a white paper or seminar, and take it to them and propose they share it, co-branded, with their customers. They know they should be doing this so you’ve just made it easy for them to do something they want to do and you win.

4.2.3. Create turn-key tools The education process of your referral sources can be aided greatly if you put tangible referral tools in their hands. Create documents that teach them how they would spot your ideal customer, the trigger phrases your customers use when they need you, and your referral process. Create coupons and gift certificates and give them to your referral sources. Create jointly branded marketing materials for all of your strategic partners. Create a network blog that your strategic partners can all contribute to. Again, make it easy and it will happen.

4.2.4. Plan for logical collection The place that referral systems fall down most often is in the actual collection. Expectations are set, customers are thrilled, the referral motivation is in place, but nobody thinks to actually ask for the referral – doh! – Create processes that involve customer results reviews, project reviews and satisfaction surveys and use these as triggers for referral collection – you might just find that it’s a great way to really find out what a great/lousy job you are doing and course correct accordingly.

4.2.5. More than one creative entry point Just as not all referrals are created equal, not all motivations are created equal. You must have multiple referral opportunities going at all times so that you can take advantage of the highly engaged customer who wants to set up a lunch to introduce your firm, the customer that needs the quarterly reminder gift certificate mailing, and the non-profit agency partner that would love to run a promotion with you to benefit their cause and promote you to their members. Start with one or two referral program offers and gradually build to many as a way to keep the marketing focus on the subject of referrals and let everyone find a way to play.

4.2.6. Measure and Adjust You should create a dashboard of key referral indicators as a way to set goals and measure the success of your referral initiatives. So, what are the key metrics? Page views, referred leads, appointments, closed deals? I would suggest that you have a logical path of indicators so that you can see where your programs might be breaking down and need focus. You may be receiving referrals, but not closing them or closing every referred lead, but just not getting enough. This is s place you might consider including your referral sources by way of follow-up. What you learn from your measurement practices may help you adjust and create better education tools.

5. Simple Psychological Principle

5.1. So the next time you’re prompted to ”just get out there and do some networking,” kick it up a notch by employing the Dos and Don’ts of the mere exposure effect.

5.2. DO Follow Up Like a Pro.

5.2.1. After a job interview, conference, or event, failing to follow up is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Think about that pile of business cards you’ve collected over the years: how many of those people are you no longer in touch with?

5.2.2. You probably shared a good conversation when you met, but if you let the lines of communication go dead, you’re losing out on an opportunity to forge a stronger bond, and in turn, to grow the relationship. After you trade business cards, send your new contact a “thank you” or “nice to meet you” email within a day or two. In the coming weeks and months, check in periodically to ensure you remain top-of-mind, each time providing some kind of value to the person.

5.2.3. Adding value to the relationship consistently over time is the number one key to leveraging the mere exposure effect. Do this by sharing relevant blog posts, book recommendations, or events via email once a month, meeting for coffee, or letting the person know how you took action and saw results based on advice they gave you.

5.3. DO “Like”, Tweet, and Connect.

5.3.1. Social media is a no-brainer when it comes to extending your networking efforts beyond in-person interaction. Be sure to connect with your new contact on LinkedIn, and, if appropriate for your company or field, follow the person and their organization on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

5.3.2. Show your continued engagement and dedication to building a long-term relationship by liking, sharing, or commenting on their posts every now and then. Every time you do so, your contact is not only reminded of you (and what makes you great), but they also receive a rush of serotonin, the brain’s reward chemical, which boosts their self-worth, making them associate you with feeling good.

5.4. DON’T Overdo it.

5.4.1. Familiarity does breed attraction, but no one likes to be pestered. Say you’re interviewing for a new job and have been expecting to hear back about whether or not you got it for two weeks now. While a follow-up or two is certainly expected and will help keep you top-of-mind, emailing the HR contact to check in each morning makes you seem needy and obnoxious.

5.4.2. The mere exposure effect only works if you are adding a certain degree of value to the relationship, so be sure to strike a balance.

5.5. DO Keep an Open Mind.

5.5.1. Networking pays off in different ways at different times. That’s why approaching it from the mere exposure effect perspective is preferable to simply blasting out emails to your network as you begin your job search. Familiarity will allow others in your network to reach out to you with a question or favor to ask, making it easier for you to do the same for them when the time comes.

5.6. DON’T Get Discouraged.

5.6.1. Life happens. People are busier than ever, and as everyone knows, it can be all too easy to lose touch amidst the chaos of life. It happens. But taking the mere exposure approach to networking will, over time, leave you with a solid set of valuable contacts who you can call on to ask advice and favors. Most importantly, you’re bound to learn a thing or two about people and your industry along the way.

5.6.2. Using the concept of the mere exposure effect as your guide, you can reinvent the way you network, and most importantly, create truly valuable relationships that will skyrocket your career.

5.6.3. Understanding how the familiarity principle works in human interaction should help you to relax and feel confident that a relationship can grow out of repeated exposure and proximity. Follow these steps, and you’ll see a dramatic shift in how you approach networking on a professional and personal level, and how these interactions can reap big rewards.

6. Customer Advocacy Program

6.1. Joining get a questionaire to determine how serious they are but also what rewards work for them

6.1.1. Reward questionnaire thoughts] If you have 10K and 1 week what whuld you do Travel with family Travel with myself Pay off Bills and Chilll Enroll in a course Other Greatest asset Time Money Relationships (Friends and Family) Education

6.2. Send them a Entertainment book as a thank you for being an active referee

6.3. Monitor them if nothing send education emails to help them refer

6.4. If refer send a close loop thank you and on success give them a reward that fits what they like

6.5. Keep them informed, give them a party and also cull those that can’t do it. Maybe use the rienforcement program to help educate them on 1 how to refer and 2. What future logic is about and does

6.6. Reinforcement program

6.6.1. 2 minute videos and text

6.6.2. Topics how to refer closing the loop (Some of the BNI trainings etc. And what to listen for what we do short sweet

7. Power Partner Program

7.1. Emergence Referral Network or similar partner network have it setup quarterly meetings of focused Power groups eventually combined mailing lists with funnel creation part of membership.

7.2. Newsletter to members each month highlighting a product or service of each member as an

7.2.1. education piece,

7.2.2. network education,

7.2.3. marketing education,

7.2.4. sales education trust

7.3. OKR’s as part of it growing into different levels of membership and success a criteria for continued membership

7.4. Power teams

7.4.1. Mining,

7.4.2. Construction,

7.4.3. Local Government,

7.4.4. Professional Services,

7.4.5. Business Services

7.4.6. etc only ones that are real business - Health, Wealth Relationships. Future Logic can sell to all sectors, so can SelfOrg

7.5. Four Key Product Streams

7.5.1. Support

7.5.2. Security

7.5.3. Consulting (Project)

7.5.4. DR - Continuity