The Catcher in the Rye

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The Catcher in the Rye Door Mind Map: The Catcher in the Rye

1. Mood

1.1. Overcoming challange's

1.2. Depressing

2. Genre

2.1. Biography

2.2. Young adult

2.2.1. Becoming a adult. 'If you want to know the truth, im still a virgin.' page 127

3. Setting

3.1. 1930's New York

3.2. the story spans over a few days

3.3. Pencey prep school

4. plot

4.1. Waiting to go back home after he had been kicked out of school

5. Character

5.1. Holdem Caulfield is the protagonist

5.1.1. Frustrated with the world

5.2. There is no antagonist

5.3. Much use of foul language

5.4. holdem uses the word phony a lot

6. Auther

6.1. J.D. Salinger

6.2. 1919-2010

7. Perspective

7.1. Its told in the past 'I gave her a good look.' page 78

7.2. Its mostly told in Holdems perspective 'I felt miserable.' page 136