VA Property Group Road Map

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VA Property Group Road Map Door Mind Map: VA Property Group Road Map

1. Establish the Business

1.1. Legal

1.1.1. Business Registration

1.1.2. Professional Advisors

1.1.3. Insurance

1.1.4. Templates, Contracts, Legal Forms

1.1.5. Policies & Procedures Manual

1.2. Financial

1.2.1. Budgets & Financial Forecasts

1.2.2. Bank Accounts

1.2.3. Working Capital

1.2.4. Business Loans

1.2.5. Lease Financing

1.3. Technology

1.3.1. Accounting & Financial Management

1.3.2. Property Management Software

1.3.3. Website

1.3.4. Planning & Design Tools

1.4. Office & Administration

1.4.1. Location

1.4.2. Tools & Equipment

1.4.3. Office Supplies & Equipment

1.4.4. Utilities

2. Land Clients

2.1. Create Company Profile

2.1.1. Branding

2.1.2. Website

2.1.3. Social Media

2.1.4. Track Record, Experience & Testimonals

2.2. Create Our Network

2.2.1. Industry Bodies

2.2.2. Real Estate Agents

2.2.3. Body Corporates

2.2.4. Investor Clubs

2.2.5. Community Organizations

2.2.6. Local Businesses

2.2.7. Chamber of Commerce

2.2.8. Lenders

2.3. Marketing

2.3.1. Define our services, pricing & point of difference

2.3.2. Online Advertising

2.3.3. Digital Marketing

2.3.4. Offline Marketing

3. Gain Knowledge & Qualifications

3.1. Obtain Real Estate Agent License

3.1.1. Complete Real Estate Agent License Course

3.1.2. Apply to Office of Fair Trading for License

3.2. Develop Market Expertise

3.2.1. Gold Coast real estate market

3.2.2. Our Competitors

3.2.3. Local laws, regulations, licensing & permits

3.2.4. Short-Term rental market