Seven Habits of Successful Students

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Seven Habits of Successful Students Door Mind Map: Seven Habits of Successful Students

1. Passion. Once discovered, this passion can be a source of energy and motivation for academic work.

2. Social support. they spend time with their friends and put energy into their important relationships.

2.1. Successful students use formal study groups.

3. Talk to the teachers. Students who speak to professors are more likely to stay in college.

3.1. Say hello! When you pass your professor on campus, look at them and greet them.

4. Organization. a method that keeps you on top of your assignments and helps you prepare ahead of time for projects and tests.

5. Strategic and resourceful. Successful students have the habit of thinking about upcoming demands and taking advantage of resources

5.1. skills you may need to develop to be more successful.

5.1.1. Remember, we are all learning and it is okay to ask for help.

6. Balance. Sleep, exercise, eat right, and spend time with the people you care about.

6.1. So keep your energy maintaining all the important parts of your life.

7. Committed. Successful students make a commitment to do what it takes to be successful

8. Make a commitment to yourself to be successful in all aspects of your university experience.