Deforestation of the Amazon

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Deforestation of the Amazon Door Mind Map: Deforestation of the Amazon

1. Biodiversity

1.1. The Amazon is the most bio-diverse region in the world

1.1.1. 75% of the animals are unique to the Amazon

1.2. Home to 1 in 10 species around the world

1.3. 34 Million people live in the Amazon and depend on their resources.

2. Solutions

2.1. Brazil has started to create regulations on logging.

2.1.1. Can only harvest trees with a minimum 50 cm diameter.

2.2. Zero Net Deforestation

2.2.1. Allows for the deforestation of a certain area as long as an equal area is replanted

2.3. The financial and private sectors working with conservation organizations.

2.3.1. These organizations include: the World Wildlife Foundation, the Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Nature Conservancy

2.4. Creating incentives for companies to use more sustainable methods of harvesting natural materials.

3. Brazil

3.1. Brazil is responsible for 75% of the deforestation in the Amazon

3.1.1. Peru, Bolivia, Columbia, and other northern South American countries are the other 25%.

3.2. Jair Bolsonaro

3.2.1. President of Brazil Is a right winged President who favors development of forest over conservation

3.3. Brazil is the largest exporter of cattle in the world.

3.3.1. Estimated 200 million cattle head in Brazil

4. Cause

4.1. Largest contributors of Deforestation

4.1.1. Soy Plantations Larges amount of the forest is cleared for agriculture. This is primarily see Bolivia and Peru

4.1.2. Cattle Ranching Accounts for 80% of all deforestation Low yields and cheap land encourage expansion

4.1.3. Logging Large amounts of logging occurs on private property. Difficult to regulate Many are making the transition to cattle ranching while being paid by logging companies that want to harvest timber Brazilian regulations requires 80% of a ranchers land to be forest covered Most valuable timer is mahogany. Valued for its color and quality. USA has the single largest mahogany market Large amount of mahogany harvested is illegal.

4.1.4. Search for Energy Resources

5. Effect

5.1. 20% of the Amazon has been lost to deforestation.

5.1.1. 27% of the Amazon projected to be gone by 2030

5.2. 670 Million hectares of forest

5.2.1. 1.4 Million hectares of forest are lost per year 17.7 million hectares of forest lost between 2001-2012

5.3. Climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crop yield, flooding, increase in greenhouse gases, numerous problems for the indigenous people