The Social Networks in 1530's Verona did not have Connected Communication

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The Social Networks in 1530's Verona did not have Connected Communication Door Mind Map: The Social Networks in 1530's Verona did not have Connected Communication

1. The Montagues

2. The Prince's Family

3. Romeo

4. Benvolio

5. Mercutio

6. Themes Topics in the Play

6.1. Different Kinds of Love

6.2. The Power of Hate

6.3. How Dreams Affect Us

6.4. Why is Loyalty So Important

6.5. Does Fate Control Us

7. Friar Laurence

8. Balthazar

9. The Capulets

10. Juliet

11. Tybalt

12. The Nurse

13. Paris

14. Apothecary