Principles of Operations Management

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Principles of Operations Management Door Mind Map: Principles of Operations Management

1. explain what is Six Sigma

1.1. is a program to save time, improve quality, and lower costs.

1.2. it is strategy because it focuses on total customer satisfaction.

2. chapter 7: Process Strategy

2.1. Four process Strategies

2.1.1. the Four Process are :

2.1.2. 1. Process Focus

2.1.3. 2. Repetitive Focus

2.1.4. 3. Product Focus

2.1.5. 4. Mass Customization

2.2. Selection of Equipment

2.2.1. A process that is going to with orders often depends on the selection of the proper equipment.

2.3. Process Analysis and Design

2.3.1. When analyzing and designing processes use the tools of process analysis that is : Flowchart, Time -Function Mapping, Value -Stream Mapping and Process Chart.

2.4. Production Technology

2.5. Technology in services

2.6. Process Redesign

3. Chapter 6 : Managing Quality

3.1. Define quality and TQM

3.2. describe the ISO International quality standars

3.3. Explain how is bechmarking is used in TQM

3.4. The seven tools of TQM

4. Chapter 8: Locations strategies

4.1. The strategic importance of location

4.2. Factors that affect location Decisions

4.3. Methods of Evaluating Location Alternatives

4.4. Geographic Information System

4.5. Service location Strategic

5. Chapter 9: Layout Strategies

5.1. The Strategic importance of layout descisions

5.1.1. layout is the one of the key decisions that determines the long -run efficiency of operations.

5.1.2. an effective layout can help an organization achieve a strategy that supports differentiation.

5.2. Types of layout

5.3. Offiice Layout

5.4. Retail Layout

5.5. Warehouse and Storage Layout

5.6. Works cells

6. Chapter 10: Human resources, job design and work measurement

6.1. Human Resources Strategy for competitive Advantage

6.2. Labor Planning

6.3. Job design

6.4. Labor Standards

6.5. Ethics

7. why is study OM ?

7.1. is importance because are activities that relate to creation of goods and services besides that helps in transform of inputs to outputs

7.2. organizing to produce Goods and services all organizations

7.3. OM Is the three mayor functions more important of any organization, and it is integrally related to all the order functions.

8. Chapter 1: Operations and Productivity

8.1. what is operations managerment

8.1.1. operations for goods and services

8.2. organizing to products goods and services

8.2.1. Ethics, Social Responsability , and Responsability

8.3. the productivity chanllenge

9. Organizing to produce goods and Services

9.1. Marketing

9.2. Production /operations

9.3. Finance /accounting

10. what operations managers do ?

10.1. planning

10.2. organizing

10.3. staffing

10.4. leading

10.5. controling

11. Chapter 2: Operations Strategy in a global environment

11.1. a global view of operations and Supply Chains

11.2. developing mission and Strategies :identify and explain three strategic approaches to competitive advantages.

11.3. global operations strategy options are :

11.3.1. 1. global strategy

11.3.2. 2.transnational strategy

11.3.3. 3. international strategy

11.3.4. 4. multinational strategy

12. chapter 3 : Project Management

13. The importance of project management

13.1. Each new product/service introduction is a unique event a project.

13.2. Projects that take months or years to complete are usually developed outside the normal production system.

13.3. On other occasions , managers find the projects just part of their jobs.

14. The management of projects involves three phases

14.1. Planning

14.1.1. This phase includes goal setting,defining the project, and team organization.

14.2. Scheduling

14.2.1. This phase relates people,money.and supplies to specific activities and relates activities to each other

14.3. Controlling

14.3.1. Here the firm monitors resources, cost quality, and the budgets. It also revises or changes plans and shifts resources to meet time and cost demands.

15. chapter 5: Design of Goods and Services

15.1. define product life cycle

15.1.1. Products are born and they live and they die .

15.1.2. They are cast aside by changing society.

15.2. Product life cycle is involves in 4 phases that are :

15.2.1. 1. introduction

15.2.2. 2. growth

15.2.3. 3. maturity

15.2.4. 4. decline

15.3. Product development

15.3.1. the product development the system that may well determine not only products success but also the firm's future