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Multipliers Door Mind Map: Multipliers

1. Investor - Micromanager (Get things done)

1.1. Defining Ownership

1.1.1. Name the Lead

1.1.2. Give Ownership for the End Goal

1.1.3. Stretch the Role

1.1.4. Give 51 percent of the vote

1.2. Investing Resources

1.2.1. Teach and coach

1.2.2. Provide backup

1.3. Hold People Accountable

1.3.1. Give it Back Give it Back

1.3.2. Expect complete work Ask for the F-I-X

1.3.3. Respect Natural Consequences Let nature take its course

2. Accidental Diminishers

2.1. Idea Guy

2.2. Always On

2.3. Rescuer

2.4. Pacesetter

2.5. Rapid Responder

2.6. Optimist

2.7. Protector

2.8. Strategist

2.9. Perfectionist

3. Dealing with Accidental Diminishers

3.1. Level 1 - Defense Against the Dark Arts of Diminishing Managers

3.1.1. Turn Down the Volume

3.1.2. Strengthen Other Connections

3.1.3. Retreat and Regroup Instead of attempting to win, just stay in the game

3.1.4. Send the Right Signals The primary cause of micromanaging is concern that something won't get completed fully or correctly

3.1.5. Assert your Capability Sometimes you need to tell that you don't need help

3.1.6. Ask for Performance Intel What is the target, and why is it important? Diminishers often become so preoccupied with telling people how to shoot that they forget to first establish the target.

3.1.7. Shop for a new boss

3.2. Level 2 - Multiplying Up

3.2.1. Expoit your Boss's strengths

3.2.2. Give them a user's guide

3.2.3. Listen to learn

3.2.4. Admit your Mistakes

3.2.5. Sign up for a stretch

3.2.6. Invite them to the party

3.3. Level 3 - Inspire Multipier Leadership in Others

3.3.1. Assume positive intent

3.3.2. Address one issue at the time

3.3.3. Celebrate progress

4. Talent Magnet - Empire Builder (Managing Talent)

4.1. Look for Talent Everywhere

4.1.1. Appreciate All Types of Genius "A Talent Magnet knows that genius comes in many forms." Multiple Intelligences - Howard Gartner Emotional Intelligene - Daniel Goleman Mindset - Carol Dweck

4.1.2. Ignore Boundaries "You can often spot Talent Magnets inside organizations because they are the ones who ignore org charts."

4.2. Find People's Native Genius

4.2.1. Look for What is Native

4.2.2. Label It

4.2.3. Name the Genius

4.3. Utilize People at Their Fullest

4.3.1. Connect People with Opportunities Supersize It

4.3.2. Shine a Spotlight

4.4. Remove the Blockers

4.4.1. Get Rid of Prima Donnas Let Go of a Superstar

4.4.2. Get Out of the Way

5. Liberator - Tyrant (Approach Mistakes)

5.1. Create Space

5.1.1. Release Others by Restraining Yourself Label Your Opinions

5.1.2. Shift the Ratio of Listening to Talking Play Fewer Chips

5.1.3. Define a Space for Discovery Make Space for Mistakes

5.1.4. Level the Playing Field

5.2. Demand People's Best Work

5.2.1. Defend the Standard

5.2.2. Distinguish Best Work from Outcomes

5.3. Generate Rapid Learning Cylces

5.3.1. Admit and Share Mistakes

5.3.2. Insist on Learning from Mistakes

5.3.3. Talk Up Your Mistakes

6. Challenger - Know-it-All (Set Direction)

6.1. Seed the Opportunity

6.1.1. Show the Need Take a Bus Trip

6.1.2. Challenge the Assumption

6.1.3. Reframe Problems

6.1.4. Creating a Starting Point

6.2. Lay Down a Challenge

6.2.1. Extent a Concrete Challenge Create a Stretch Challenge

6.2.2. Ask the Hard Questions Extreme Questions

6.2.3. Let others Fill in the Blanks

6.3. Generate Belief

6.3.1. Helicopter Down

6.3.2. Cocreate the Plan

6.3.3. Orchestrate an Early Win Take a Massive Baby Step

7. Debate Maker - Decision Maker (Make decisions)

7.1. Frame the Issue

7.1.1. Define the question

7.1.2. Form the team

7.1.3. Assemble the data

7.1.4. Frame the decision

7.2. Spark the Debate

7.2.1. Create Safety for Best Thinking

7.2.2. Demand Rigor

7.2.3. Make a Debate

7.3. Drive a Sound Decision

7.3.1. Clarify the Decision Making Process

7.3.2. Make the Decisoin

7.3.3. Communicate the Decision and Rationale