Resource Management (Chromebooks)

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Resource Management (Chromebooks) Door Mind Map: Resource Management (Chromebooks)

1. Tracking Chromebooks Now

1.1. All Chromebooks have bar codes and are signed out to particular teachers at the beginning of the year

1.2. Our librarian keeps track of which teacher is responsible for which Chromebook

1.3. Each classroom has a docking/charging station. Classrooms between gr. 4-6 have about 10-14 devices each, regardless of how many students are in the class

1.4. Our collection of Chromebooks seems to be from many different manufacturers, which all seem to have their own unique charging cable.

1.5. To solve the problem of one class getting all of the older, slower models, each class gets a "Chromebook buffet" which includes a variety of new and old technology which makes charging and organizing difficult

1.6. During tasks where one class needs more than their allotted amount of Chromebooks, they need to borrow from other classrooms. Sometimes this means borrowing from 2 or 3 different rooms depending on the availability.

1.6.1. This results in many interruptions!!

1.7. Getting all of the Chromebooks back to the correct classrooms is quite a chore

1.8. There are times when some of your technology has been borrowed, and the homeroom teacher has no idea where they are or for how long

2. Tracking Chromebooks in the Future

2.1. Chromebooks should continue to be tracked using bar codes and connected to the homeroom teacher

2.2. Chromebooks should also be marked with classroom numbers, so there is less confusion when they are trying to be returned to the correct location

2.3. Keep similar charging cables together to help students be more independent when charging Chromebooks

2.4. To keep the amount of different models of Chromebook to a minimum, assign older Chromebooks to grades, or uses within the school that are appropriate.

2.5. Give Chromebooks proportional to the number of students in the class

2.6. Borrowing of Chromebooks needs to be tracked and planned in advance, using a shared Google Calendar, or Google Doc.