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Time Capsule Door Mind Map: Time Capsule

1. Also think about what items you would include in the time capsule that would help 6th class students 100 years from now understand what life is currently like for you.

1.1. I would put a couple of euro to show them the currency at our current time to what they have in one hundred years

1.2. I would put hand sanitizer and a mask to show what life is like for us now

2. Letter to 6th Class student in Holy cross in 2120

2.1. Typed using Google Drive and shared with Teacher

3. What life is like living in lockdown with the coronavirus?

3.1. Life is extremely boring

3.1.1. It's boring because you can't call over to your friends and play you can go for a cycle and you also can't visit family

3.1.2. It's also boring because you can't go to the shop if you not an adult

3.2. Its very strange not going to school and not being able to see your friends

4. What things you do to keep safe?

4.1. Stay at home

4.1.1. Don't visit or play with friends

4.1.2. Don't go to the shops

4.1.3. Stay within 2km of your home

4.2. Stay 2 meters apart

4.3. Wash your hands

4.4. Cough and sneeze into elbow or tissue

4.5. Help people who are cocooning like older people or those with underlying health issues.

5. How do you keep yourself entertained?

5.1. I play on my X-box with my friends

5.1.1. I mostly play Fortnite but sometimes play Roblox or Minecraft

5.2. I play outside with my sister

5.2.1. mostly play on our swingset or in my box fort

5.3. Sometimes I watch a movie on Netflix if Im not aloud on my xbox

5.3.1. I watch a lot of cop shows on Netflix

5.4. Zoom calls

5.4.1. Friends Would you rather ?

5.4.2. Family Charades

6. Your Thoughts during this time?

6.1. I'm very annoyed that I probably won't be going back to school this year

6.2. I know that with the schools closed we have a less chance of getting the virus