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Preposições Door Mind Map: Preposições

1. Períodos do dia

1.1. In

1.2. • The morning

1.3. • The afternoon

1.4. • The evening

2. Estações do ano

2.1. In

2.2. (The) spring

2.3. (The) summer

2.4. (the) Winter

3. Expressões de tempo

3.1. in

3.2. a few days

3.3. the future

3.4. the past

4. Dias da semana

4.1. On

4.2. Mondays

4.3. Fridays

4.4. Sundays

5. At

5.1. Em, No, Na

5.2. • Hodas exatas

5.3. Ex: Fernanda’s classes start at 7 a.m. every day.

5.4. • Épocas comemorativas

5.5. Christmas

5.6. Easter

6. Time

6.1. In- Em, No, Na

6.2. Meses e anos

6.3. Ex: Charles was born in November.

6.4. Ex: Slavery in Brazil, was abolished in 1888.

7. Séculos

7.1. Ex: Man landed on the moon in the 20th century.

8. On

8.1. Em, No, Na

8.2. Ex: I saw her first on a cold winter morning.

8.3. • Dia e mês

8.4. • Períodos do dia adjetivados

8.5. Ex: He was born on November 4th

9. Dias comemorativos

9.1. On

9.2. Christmas eve

9.3. Easter day

9.4. Ex: “On time” - “Em cima da hora”

9.5. Ex2: I got to the concert on time.