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Element 22 Door Mind Map: Element 22

1. Engaging students in cognitively complex tasks involving hypothesis generation and testing

2. 4 types of cognitively complex tasks: Experimental-inquiry tasks, Problem-solving tasks, Decision-making tasks, & Investigation tasks

2.1. Experimental: teach students to make a prediction based on observations, designed an experiment to test that prediction, and examine results

2.1.1. Can create an online webquest for students to search through and basically do an online lab or field trip

2.1.2. Students can also use simple search engines to help gather data and research for the experiment.

2.1.3. Post results on an online forum for classmates to see and respond too.

2.2. Problem solving: teach students to use knowledge in situations that are restricted by obstacles or constraints.

2.2.1. Search engines for background info

2.2.2. Online graphic organizer to organize ideas to solve the problem at hand and to come up with solutions

2.3. Decision making: teach students how to choose between a number of options that seem equally valid

2.3.1. Can use a decision matrix to help withe the decision making process

2.3.2. Can use online sheets or graphs to track date on decisions

2.4. Investigation: Teach students to test hypothesis about past, present, and future events.

2.4.1. Can use search engines to look up history, current research, and theories already developed

2.4.2. Great a google drive folder to store and keep organized information that is found, like an online file folder.