Learning Through Exploration, A Conversation @alex_schl @huibschoots @zfordreitz

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Learning Through Exploration, A Conversation @alex_schl @huibschoots @zfordreitz Door Mind Map: Learning Through Exploration, A Conversation    @alex_schl  @huibschoots @zfordreitz

1. Martin Fowler

1.1. 'o shit phase'

2. observability

2.1. is like debugging in prod

3. the pelican story

3.1. the risk that you're aware of

3.2. pelican which looks like pterodactyl

4. exploration = natural thing that ANYONE can do

4.1. the only way to know unknown unknows

4.2. kids = they just do stuff

4.3. testers and devs explore

4.3.1. whole idea of Agile

4.4. test list

4.4.1. the list of things to consider

4.4.2. I know, that I'm gonna be done, but I don't know how I'm gonna get there pair programming/ testing or rubber duck

4.5. Explore = being able to explain what you're doing and why

5. book The Art of Action

5.1. lessons we learn from military campaign

5.1.1. the alignments gap

5.1.2. the effect gap

5.2. pattern recogniction