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1. Node 7 : Aquaculture

1.1. Aquaculture, fish farming

1.2. Aquaculture could be used to increase the fish supply and in the same time to decrease the use of nature, and thus to decrease overfishing. It is based on producing more food on less land. The fish is breed and grown under conditions. It moves fish farms from oceans to lands.

2. Node 6 : Stop eating fish ?

2.1. Proteins and economy

2.2. It is not that much simple, because fish composed 17% of animal proteins consumed by the population. Fishing is also one of the major source of revenue for some countries such as island countries (Island, Greenland, Tropical islands...) and developing countries.

3. Node 8 : Bad effects for aquaculture ?

3.1. Chemicals, Nutrients

3.2. Aquaculture - Impact des activits aquacoles sur lenvironnement

3.2.1. There are also problems with aquaculture. It is indeed polluting a lot waterways with chemical products and nutrients used to raise fish. These problems are now fortunately decreasing.

4. Node 9 : Taste of fish

4.1. Taste, texture, quality

4.1.1. Personal opinion

4.2. As far as I'm concern, I've always noticed that fish from supermarket such as Monoprix, Auchan... were not as tastier as fish from the fish day market. Probably because we see a difference between fish from overfishing and fish from individual fishermen, even if it is probably not as much artisanal as real individual fishermen who used to practice small-scale artisanal fishing.

5. Node 10 : Acidity of water

5.1. Acidification, CO2 emissions

5.2. Ocean acidification and its effects | CoastAdapt

5.2.1. Could the acidification of oceans have an effect on fishing ? Ocean acidification is the fact that the ph of seawater is decreasing causing acidity in oceans. CO2 emissions are responsible of this effect. It also causes to fish and corals to have difficulty to form their shell or skeleton. This could have also an effect on organism and so on the size of an animal population which can be linked to the fact that overfishing occurs easier.

6. Is small-scale artisanal fishing a good alternative to reduce overfishing ?

7. Artisanal fishing could be indeed a good way to reduce overfishing and to respect the ocean environment that is under-protected. But can the supply of artisanal fishing provide enough fish to satisfy the global demand of the population ? Won't that cause an overfishing due to a lot of artisanal fishing ?

8. Node 2 : Overfishing

8.1. Damages, Biological limits

8.2. Link : Overfishing

8.2.1. In this case, overfishing is the fact of fishing more than what the Earth can give us. It consists on increasing fishing unnecessary. For example, overfished stocks has triple-increased in half a century.

9. Node 1 : Artisanal fishing

9.1. Small-scall fishing

9.1.1. Research made on fishing forums

9.2. Link : Artisanal fisheries

9.2.1. I've learned from this that artisanal fishing is small-scale type of fishing based on fishing with poor materials and less money than modern fishing. It is often made by individuals.

10. Node 3 : Consequences

10.1. Catching, selling, buying life

10.2. Overfishing has huge impacts on Nature but also on some populations. Millions of people are relying on fishing for proteins, and damages of overfishing could cause a dramatical decrease in the economy of their life.

11. Node 4 : Earth protection

11.1. Overfishing — Environmental Progress

11.2. Earth and Ocean surfaces

11.2.1. Oceans are a major subject in this period of environment crisis. As the website shows, there's a huge difference the protection of earth surfaces and the protection of ocean surfaces. 15% of earth is protected, compared to 8% for oceans.

12. Node 5 : Stats for overfishing

12.1. Fish stocks : overfished, at-capacity, or underfished

12.2. 33% of global fish stocks are overfished, 60% are at-capacity so that means that they are sustainably fished.