Tony Robbins : I Am Not Your Guru

This is an excerpt from Tony Robbins - I Am Not Your Guru. It covers the key facts about this great Coach and also an insight into his favorite program titled as 'Date with Destiny'

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Tony Robbins : I Am Not Your Guru Door Mind Map: Tony Robbins : I Am Not Your Guru

1. The questions he asks

1.1. What makes you hurt yourself

1.2. Most people over estimate what they can do in 1 year and under estimate what they can do in 2 or 3 decades...

1.2.1. Don't fuck up the time ahead

1.2.2. Give yourself little bit of time...

1.2.3. Be more loving to yourself

1.2.4. He shows what to do to reshape yourself...(this was in a case of someone doing suicide)

1.2.5. People start believing Tony and they open up

2. Tony Robbins constructed himself

2.1. He inspired 50 Mn people transform their lives

2.2. He is best known for over 3 decades of work in the field of Self Improvement

2.3. More than 4 Mn people across the world have attended one of his live events

2.4. He is simply Unstoppable

2.5. Everyone needs a compelling future

2.6. Everyone needs something to move towards

2.6.1. If you don't have something to move settle for where things are

2.7. Everyday work harder on yourself than anything else

2.7.1. If you become more intelligent, more valuable, more skilled, you can add more value to other people

2.8. Who am I ultimately wanting to become or what is the destiny I'm here for?

2.8.1. Thus, he created this thing called - 'Date with Destiny' If he could uncover what beliefs and values control him, he could literally redesign himself What he loves about this is the 'uncertainty' of what's gonna happen

2.9. Everyone needs a compelling future

3. Who all has he helped so far?

3.1. Bill Clinton

3.2. Mikhail Gorbachev

3.3. Mother Teresa

3.4. Nelson Mandela

3.5. Princess Diana

4. Affirmation

4.1. God's wealth is circulating in my life

4.2. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance

4.3. All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously by Infinite Intelligence, for I am one with God and God is everything

4.4. I can see God's wealth in the love, in the friendships, in the insight, in the ideas, in the emotion, in the energy in my body and my soul, in my hunger and my desire to breakthrough and make things happen

5. His Travels

5.1. He travels to 12 countries a year

5.2. He see over 2 lac people annually

6. "Date with Destiny"

6.1. Every Year in the US - he conducts a seminar called - "Date with Destiny"

6.1.1. Costs $4995

6.1.2. Runs for 6 days with over 12 hours each day Over the next 6 days and nights...they get to the source of what controls it all... When someone says that it took 10 years to bring that change...what u really find out is that change happened in a moment... Tony loves the challenge to sustain this for 6 days and nights with people from 71 countries...keeping people completely engaged including language translation done

6.1.3. From Tony's perspective, 'Date with Destiny' is a place that you go to uncover who you really are...what you're really about at this stage of your life

6.1.4. Who's this program right for? Anybody who's hungry If one isn't hungry, this isn't the right program for them Anybody who's looking for more Its gonna be an experience for them

6.1.5. Tools makes a difference Mirrors Charts He uses the science of taboo language He does whatever it takes to break the pattern to ensure that the participant reclaims who they really are...

6.1.6. Day 1 Our entire life changes in a moment! Introduction As Tony walks in...its an utter bundle of energy

6.1.7. Day 2 Has got plenty of emotion in it Evaluation Day Push will wear you out! Get into...what blocks us...pain and pleasure...those set of questions Someone who has had suicidal intent and is attending the like having a Red flag

6.1.8. Day 3 Discovery Day We all get what we tolerate

6.2. What happens in the program?

6.2.1. They go very deep Take the force of every thought, every feeling and every emotion of ur life The beliefs, values and rules that literally control the way you think, feel and behave Tony says - we are gonna get emotionally fit because life is gonna come to you...come out of u They looks at the weed...and then help in ripping it out completely They not only looks at solving the problem...which Tony says is temporary... but deal with the thing that creates it in the first place For this, he expects everyone to be truly 'energy rich' He loves taking people deep...and when he takes people deep... everybody's riveted...cause it's so rare

6.2.2. There's enough variety, there's enough entertainment, there's enough rawness, there's enough energy...

6.2.3. Tony asks people to Shake their body out

7. Tony's Real Life Examples from 'Date with Destiny'

7.1. In one of the real examples - Tony explained to blame elegantly, blame intelligently, blame effectively. Blame at the level of your soul, not the level of your head

7.2. Problems are what make us grow...and we never want them. Problems are what sculpt our soul. Problems are what make us become more

7.3. If we can realize that life is always happening for us, not to us, game over, all the pain and suffering disappears...

8. How does Tony does this real time LIVE

8.1. The conversation that Tony does is like a dance

8.1.1. Tony has an obsession... it obsession to breakthrough. It's an obsession to help. He's addicted to it... it makes him feel like my life has deep meaning, not just surface meaning. And everybody's got their thing, and this is my thing..

8.2. Example 1

8.2.1. He has the capability to go from thinking that a person's problem is dietary, which is where people are

8.2.2. They present this low-level stuff because we engage ourselves...with little problems that we make into big things... so we don't deal with the bigger ones that scare us...

8.2.3. The lady in discussion is on a certain pattern right now and thus it is manageable 'cause she's so young...but the stacking of that, the friction of that in one's life, long term could be totally destructive...

8.2.4. And started to open up the world of...learning to appreciate all the aspects of other human beings...So you could actually appreciate yourself, which, in the end, makes you human

8.3. Example 2

8.3.1. This is an example of Relationship issue

8.3.2. This woman will face challenges and she will figure them out and solve them, and she'll make mistakes and she'll clean them up

8.3.3. This woman right here can have the life she wants it, the way she deserves it

8.4. Example 3

8.4.1. Case of a young girl who faced hardships connected to sex as a gift of God from the age of 6 years Tony says...I have spiritual strength in me, just like you do (suicidal case where in the name of God... people used to have sex from the age of 6) and because of that, I can reach anyone.

8.4.2. Tony says - Your love is incredible.. you are incredible. You are pure love.

8.4.3. I have gone to the darkiest, scariest places...and because of that, I can lift people to the highest places.

8.4.4. And you have that gift...and that gift is being born today...right fucking now, with some new choices that's happening right now. You were put in a situation where you weren't able to you are in a position where you choose. You take all the power back today. You consciously decide...and here's the cool thing wanted to pick the place that was safe You will be you...which will be more powerful. And you have a life experience on top of the skill, you have a caring.

9. What Tony encourages participants to write

9.1. What has prevented you from crushing it?

9.2. What has prevented you from living what you dream?

9.3. What belief, what behaviour, what emotional habit...what's prevented you? What's been getting in the way?

9.4. What story? What's been the conflict inside you?

9.5. What's prevented you from having the life you deserve?

9.6. What low standard have you tolerated for this to still be in your life...?

10. Where does 'Date with Destiny' fits with Tony as a Teacher

10.1. This is Tony's favourite event.

10.2. Just because it covers the controlling force...that really controls everything

10.3. All your thoughts, all your feelings, all your emotions, your beliefs and values, and how quickly that can all shift

10.4. It's an event...where one could say:

10.4.1. Hey, I'm gonna stop and decide what my life's about

10.4.2. Instead of life just taking you, you take life back

10.5. He loves to see people:

10.5.1. When they own themselves again as opposed to when they're running a pattern they've run for years

10.5.2. Connection, breakthroughs, truth...anything you want to remember that's valuable...pull it out of your head now, onto the paper is what he encourages people to do

11. How does Tony derive that energy to be on stage for 12 hours? He shares....

11.1. I think that's part of my secret...because that's where there's drive inside you that have to find the answer

11.2. I get more energy, more strength, and I make more distinctions...and my job is to dominate the problem out and bring out, within that person, what's really strong.

11.3. He observes the body language of the individual...and his decisions are based on how their nervous system responds...

11.4. He's looking for what's real...and when he finds it, he takes that bait and take it all the way to the soul

11.5. He's not a surface guy. He can't stand living on the surface

12. 'Tony's Mental Readiness

12.1. Moom, Moom, Moom, Moom..

12.2. He says - I think most of us are unaware of the patterns that are really controlling us

12.3. Neh, Neh, Neh, Neh...

12.4. Got to know precisely...what do you really want at this stage of your life? What do you need? You know, what are the triggers for you that make you crazy, and are they worth letting go of ?

12.5. No, No,...No, No, No

13. Tony Robbins - Mission and Where does this come from? His response...

13.1. Initially, it was pain that I wanted to end for myself and others...I think that's what started it...

13.2. What's the pain? What were those sources of pain and how did you harness them?

13.2.1. Just the core of a great mother who loved me, but was unstable in her own life. In the beginning, I think I linked it to all... that was just my mom

13.2.2. I didn't realize that she was an alcoholic and addicted to pain medications, because that's all I'd ever known... I had to be the person who had to do everything...because my mother wouldn't go out of the house...I had to got to the pharmacist and convince him to give me more Valium...because she lost her bottle of Valium...never even thinking that she was just taking more and more of the stuff.

13.2.3. When Tony was going off to college...she did everything she could to kind of stop that. Not cause she didn't want him to go to college, but she didn't wanna lose him

13.2.4. Her activities made him a practical psychologist I mean, I had to figure out how to keep her to make sure my brother and sister weren't affected by it, how to please her. It made me a pleaser, in the early part of my life, for sure