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movies Door Mind Map: movies

1. styled components basic setup

1.1. colors

1.2. font sizes

1.3. media queries

2. movie list

2.1. - image

2.2. - title

2.3. - rate

3. movie item

3.1. basic styling

3.2. hover effects

3.2.1. - zoom in

3.2.2. increase box shadow

3.2.3. add info background color

3.3. route link to movie details

3.4. item validation - e.g. no image

4. pagination

4.1. disable button if first/last page

4.2. route link with page number

4.3. scroll up after moving to the next page

5. main template

5.1. logo

5.2. navbar + main

6. navigation

6.1. popular

6.2. upcoming

6.2.1. active navlink styling

6.3. favourite

6.4. genres

7. searchbar

7.1. results

7.2. no results