
احمد سامي الصادق لحمد سامي حماده الاشمونياحمد رزق جمعه

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java Door Mind Map: java

1. features

1.1. architecture neutral

1.2. object orionted language

2. operators

3. applications

3.1. web application

3.2. mobile applications

3.3. embedded systems

4. threads

4.1. creating threads

4.2. mulitasking

4.3. thread transitions

5. inner/nested classes

6. jvm

6.1. stack vs heap memory

6.2. garbage collection

6.3. jre;jvm;jdk

7. collections

7.1. maps;list and set

7.2. eguals-hashcode

7.3. legacy-synchronize classes

8. access specifier

8.1. access modier

8.2. final

8.3. static

8.4. abstract

8.5. vol atile