Validity & Reliability

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Validity & Reliability Door Mind Map: Validity & Reliability

1. For example, an English test is divided into vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar. The internal consistency reliablity test provides provides a measures that these test are measured correctly and are reliable.

2. Inter-rater Reliability

2.1. Assessed by having two or more independent judges score the test

2.2. Scores are then compared to determine the consistency of the raters estimates

2.3. To test the reliabilty, have the rater assign each test item a score

3. Test & Re-test Reliability

3.1. The test is administred twice at two different points in time

3.2. To make a comparison of the results used to access the consistency of a test over a period of time

4. Parallel-Forms Reliability

4.1. Is gauged by compring two different test that were created using the same content

5. Content Vailidity

5.1. Estimates how much a measure represents the single element of a construct

5.2. For example, an educational test with strong content validity will represent the subjects actually taught to students, rather than asking unrelated questions

6. Internal Consistency Reliability

6.1. Used to judge the consistency of the results and of items on the same test

7. Reliabilty- refers to the consistency of a measure. A test is considered reliable uf we get tge sane results repeatedly

8. Internal Validity

8.1. Measurement which ensures that a researchers experiment follows the cause and effect.

9. Criterion Vaildity

9.1. Asses whether a test reflects a certain amount of student's abilites.

10. Concurrent Validity

10.1. Measures the test results against a benchmark and high correlation indicates that the test has a strong criterion validity.

11. External Validity

11.1. Both essential elements in judging the students strenght and abilites

11.2. They are commonly used for the purpose of measurement and treatment variables

12. Predictive Validity

12.1. A measure of how well a test predicts a students abilites

12.2. Involves testing a group of students of subjects for a certian construct

12.3. Comparing them with results obtained at some point in the future

13. Construct Validity

13.1. Defines how well a test or experiment measures up its claim

13.2. ex: A test that was designed to measure ADHD in young children; must only measure that particular construct