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Chapter 5 Door Mind Map: Chapter 5

1. what the ISAAC and the CCNs have adopted to replace terms like severe communication disorders or etc.

2. indirect selection -

2.1. scanning

2.2. directed scanning

2.3. coded scanning

3. communication partners

4. Symbol- somthing that stands for something else

4.1. aided- requires a device or accessory that is external to the body to transmit a message

4.2. unaided - requires only one's body: speaking, gesturing, vocalizing and signing to represent meaning

4.3. acoustic

4.4. Graphic

4.5. Manual

4.6. Tactile

4.7. static- do not require movement or change to understand meaning

4.7.1. Dynamic - requires movement or change to understand meaning

4.8. iconicity- the degree to which symbols virtually resemble what they refer to

4.9. Opaque - little resemblance to what it represents

5. AAC- augmentative and alternative communication

5.1. ASLHA definition- the area of research, clinical, and educational practices that "involves attempts to study and, when necessary, temporarily or permanently compensate for the impairments, activity limitations, and participation restriction of individ with severe disorders of speech-language production and/or compensation

5.2. multimodel - ppl use a combo of communication modalities

5.2.1. augmentative and alternative

6. important point od ch. = communication is the essence of human life, and everyone has the right to communicate to the fullest extent posible

7. Complex communication needs

8. Cerebral Palsy

8.1. speech generating device - used to produce words and phrases as an alternative to to speaking in situations where they are not understood

9. AAC System

9.1. a system for individuals with CCNs

10. AID

10.1. electronic - refered as SGDs speech generating device

11. Technique - refers to the way in which messages are transmitted - selection

11.1. Direct selection - direct motor act that is not dependent on time

12. Selection Set

12.1. fixed display

12.2. dynamic display

12.3. hybrid display

12.4. visual scene

13. purpose of communication

13.1. information transfer

13.2. social closeness

13.3. social etiquette

14. causes of complex communication needs

14.1. intelectual disability

14.2. cerebral palsy

14.3. Autism spectrum disorder

14.4. childhood apraxia of speech

14.5. traumatic brain injury

14.6. stroke

14.7. amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

14.8. Parkinson's disease

14.9. dementia

15. Assessment Process

15.1. comprehensive AAC assessment

15.2. ID of participation patterns

15.2.1. opportunity barriers

15.2.2. access barriers

16. Improving communication competence

16.1. emerging communication

16.2. context-dependent communication

16.3. independent communication

16.4. communication environment

17. Increasing participation in Society

17.1. communication roles

17.2. social roles