TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Marc de Hond The Power of Adaptation

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TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Marc de Hond The Power of Adaptation Door Mind Map: TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Marc de Hond  The Power of Adaptation

1. not an exceptional power

1.1. everyone has it

1.2. it only comes up when it is really needed

1.3. what is needed

1.3.1. 1 you need a spark of optimism

1.3.2. 2 time and effort

1.3.3. 3 support of others Family & Friends

2. change

2.1. people can learn

2.1.1. Are motivated

2.2. look at stars can dance

2.2.1. optimism

2.2.2. skills

2.3. last 5 years of granddad

2.3.1. was in a wheelchair

2.3.2. He would probably ask: "How do you survive being in a wheelchair for the rest of your life

2.3.3. choose your own challenges

2.3.4. choose own power of adaptation

2.4. I got to choose my own challenges

3. as years went by

3.1. improvement in walking progressed slow

3.2. wheelchair skills improved

3.3. using the wheelchair more and more

3.4. body change

3.4.1. Stronger arms

3.5. use alot of time to train

3.6. he felt free

3.7. he started to play wheelchair basketball

3.7.1. instead of footbal

4. change

5. people respected them

5.1. good wheelchair skills

5.2. he meets people who do the same

5.2.1. in Papendal training for paralympics

5.2.2. rehabilitation center

6. About

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6.2. ...the author

6.2.1. Marc de Hond

6.2.2. @marcdehond

6.2.3. marcdehond.nl

6.2.4. The story of Marc de Hond in his book (in Dutch)

6.3. ...this talk

6.3.1. Themes Power in self

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6.3.3. Reactions

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8. picture of grandparents

8.1. where inspiration

8.2. survivors of hollocaust

8.2.1. they survived

8.2.2. lost a lot

8.3. had a positive view on life

8.4. both passed away same year

9. 2002 the year I lost everything

9.1. grandparents

9.2. Became paralyzed

9.2.1. he adapted experienced to survive

9.2.2. he was 25 in 2002 was goal keepers got great reflexes he felt a strange pain while playing discovered he had a tumor needed to be removed got to hospital after 4 months lot of medition worked very hard to recover

9.2.3. He though life was only worth living If he could play football lots of things to deal with he took 1 stap at a time