TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Rory Sutherland The Next Revolution Will Be Psychological, Not Technological

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TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Rory Sutherland The Next Revolution Will Be Psychological, Not Technological Door Mind Map: TEDxAmsterdam 2012 Rory Sutherland  The Next Revolution Will Be Psychological, Not Technological

1. game theoric approach

1.1. Why do woman like flowers/jewelry from men?

1.1.1. because men don't like them

1.1.2. woman know that

1.2. Customer satisfactory is worth something when it costs them something (effort for example)

1.2.1. example: British Gas Meter app

1.3. Rational versus irrational decision making

1.3.1. people almost never get fired for rational decisions

1.4. where are our competitors 'measurebating'?

1.4.1. if you succeed in this, you'll achieve general succes

2. About

2.1. ...the author

2.1.1. Rory Sutherland @rorysutherland

2.2. ...this talk

2.2.1. Reactions One of my favorite ted speakers @rorysutherland #tedxams Now @rorysutherland at #tedxams being very amusing ánd inspiring http://yfrog.com/obx55oljj Rory Sutherland: traditional economy is a form of measurebation! #TEDxAMS With inventing a word, you're inventing a norm @rorysutherland at #tedxams Love "measurebation" term by @rorysutherland #TEDxAms Mind f*ckups van @RorySutherland #TEDxAms Innovation might be about understanding what people realtime want and create them with the most effect and lesser costs #rory #TEDxAms The next revolution may not be technical, but psycological. Because VALUE is created in PERCEPTION #TEDxAms @rorysutherland Another great talk @rorysutherland #TEDxAMS. Missed your rum-color trousers though :)

3. Clicker is like Gin & Tonic

3.1. Most potent thing you can do to change human behaviour is to popularize a word

3.1.1. Makes it common

3.1.2. provides human proof

3.2. Brilliant marketing case

3.2.1. phrase: designated driver in holland always called BOB

3.2.2. Inventors put it in popular soap series

3.2.3. became popular and the concept, it was easily understood

3.3. new book on customer experience

3.4. 'measurebation'

3.4.1. word stems from digital photography

3.4.2. 'measurebaters' they fixate on the technical details of lenses

3.4.3. men do it more and woman do

3.4.4. digital photographer men like all tech specs pixels they take shit photgraphs

3.4.5. financialization of everything

4. 'Opposition of measurebation'

4.1. Complexity theory

4.2. economics should be about people (Peter Drucker)

4.3. They where interested in the behavior of commodities, not people

5. mathematically model human behaviour

5.1. Requires complex mathemathics

6. Karl Popper

6.1. exists on a spectrum between clouds & clocks

6.2. worst mistakes made in society

6.2.1. model complex this as being easy things

6.3. Austrian school of economics

6.3.1. made 2 distinctions

6.3.2. 1 Human behaviour not expressible in mathematics

6.3.3. 2 economics and discipline should be subordinate to psychology

6.4. there is no distinction in value

6.4.1. No difference in a restaurant between cooking the meal and mopping the floor

6.5. innovation and marketing are 2 ways you create value

6.5.1. 1 what people want and thinking of a way to make it

6.5.2. 2 Invent something and think of a way to make people like it

7. The Next Revolution Will Be Psychological, Not Technological

7.1. Assumption that innovation is just making new stuff is wrong

7.2. Perhaps we should look at things from the other side of the lens

8. Movie of illusion

8.1. Bar of Far? have a look at this link

8.2. You have difficulties if something makes the same sound but looks different

9. measurebaters often change the wrong things

9.1. They often change things people don't need changed

9.2. example of what worked well

9.2.1. London underground put up matrix boards years ago

9.2.2. knowing you'll wait 8 minutes is better than having to wait 6 minutes in uncertainty