Student Parking Project ($105,050 Total Cost) (2236 total hours) (Labor= $25/Hr)

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Student Parking Project ($105,050 Total Cost) (2236 total hours) (Labor= $25/Hr) Door Mind Map: Student Parking Project ($105,050 Total Cost) (2236 total hours) (Labor= $25/Hr)

1. 1. Plan (Kelly) - 11 Hours ($275)

1.1. Survey (2 hours) Carson ($50)

1.1.1. Visit site to determine acreage of land and topography ($50)

1.2. Permits (1 hour) Carson ($25)

1.2.1. Contact the city and gather the permits to break ground (.5hr) ($12.5)

1.2.2. Wait for city approval (.5hr) ($12.5)

1.3. Map (3 hours) Matt ($75)

1.3.1. Create Blueprint to show the number of parking spaces that can be placed on the land ($75)

1.4. Timeline (5 hours) Irv ($125)

1.4.1. Develop a finishline date and open date ($125)

2. 2. Materials (Matt) - 9 hours ($225)

2.1. Materials list (4 hours) Kelly ($100)

2.1.1. Research required materials (2hr) ($50)

2.1.2. Create list of needed materials on excel (2hr) ($50)

2.2. Compiled materials (2 hours) Irv ($50)

2.2.1. Order all materials(1hr) ($25)

2.2.2. Check in items upon arrival (1hr) ($25)

2.3. Delivery (3 hours) Carson ($75)

2.3.1. Deliver materials to job site (2hr) ($50)

2.3.2. Hire a trucking company to deliver heavy equipment (1hr) ($25)

3. 3. Construction (Carson) - 2,202 hours

3.1. Labor (12 hours) Irv ($300)

3.1.1. Hire workers Specialty workers (Electricians) Security Team

3.2. Schedule (2190 hours) Matt ($103,900)

3.2.1. Assign and delegate workers to specific tasks (8hr) ($200)

3.2.2. Lay down asphalt and assure it is level ($100,000 contract with asphalt company including labor and materials) (2162hr timeframe) Construct parking lot w/ asphalt Assure the proper grade is met and level across the parking lot (Included in asphalt company contract) Spray paint each parking space (Included in Asphalt contract)

3.2.3. Add street lights to the parking area (8hr) ($200) + ($1,000 for lights and posts)

3.2.4. Add cameras to the parking area (12hr)($2500)

3.2.5. Open the parking lot

4. 4. Results (Irv) - 14 Hours ($350)

4.1. Feedback (6 hours) Carson ($150)

4.1.1. Design questionnaire (4hr) ($100)

4.1.2. Analyze feedback on questionnaire (2hr)($50)

4.2. Trial Run (8 hours) Kelly ($200)

4.2.1. Monitor traffic flow and analyze patterns (8hr) ($200)