Marketing Strategy Template

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Marketing Strategy Template Door Mind Map: Marketing Strategy Template

1. Social Media

1.1. Facebook & Google+

1.2. Twitter

1.3. Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram

1.4. Youtube, Vimeo

1.5. LinkedIn

2. Website

2.1. Complete Redesign

2.2. New Online Store

2.3. Newsroom

3. Content Management

3.1. Blog

3.2. Offline

3.2.1. Brochures

3.2.2. Flyers

3.2.3. Branded Book

3.3. Images, Graphics, Videos

4. Competitor Analysis

5. Email Marketing

5.1. Complete Redesign

6. SEO

6.1. Conduct Survey of Target Audience

7. Goals

7.1. Increase Retention

7.2. Increase Website Traffic

7.3. Tap into New Market

8. Team

8.1. Person

8.1.1. Offline

8.2. Person

8.2.1. Content

8.2.2. Social Media

8.2.3. Emails

8.3. Person

8.3.1. Design

8.3.2. Website

8.4. Person

8.4.1. SEO

8.4.2. Ads

9. Budget

9.1. Staff

9.2. Overtime

9.3. Campaigns

9.4. Content

10. Ads

10.1. Complete Redesign

10.2. Campaigns

10.2.1. Facebook

10.2.2. Google

10.2.3. New Partners & Integrations