Over the next decade, how will the vulnerabilities and threats facing automobiles with modern sen...

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Over the next decade, how will the vulnerabilities and threats facing automobiles with modern sensors and computers affect the strategies of law enforcement? Door Mind Map: Over the next decade, how will the vulnerabilities and threats facing automobiles with modern sensors and computers affect the strategies of law enforcement?

1. Manufacturer

1.1. Why are the upgrades being made?

1.1.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

1.1.2. Car reviews/journals

1.2. What is the future trend?

1.2.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

1.2.2. Car reviews/journals

1.2.3. Periodicals

1.2.4. Research Orgs/Institutions

1.3. What systems are being upgraded with sensors/computers?

1.3.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

1.3.2. Car reviews/journals

1.4. How vulnerable are these systems?

1.4.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

1.4.2. Car reviews/journals

1.4.3. Blogs, hacker websites

1.4.4. Government websites (NTSB)

1.5. What are manufacturers doing to mitigate?

1.5.1. Car reviews/journals

1.5.2. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

1.5.3. Institutional Websites

1.6. Aware of the risks?

1.6.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

1.6.2. Car reviews/journals

2. Car Owners

2.1. What systems are being upgraded with sensors/computers?

2.1.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

2.1.2. Car reviews/journals

2.2. How vulnerable are these systems?

2.2.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

2.2.2. Car reviews/journals

2.2.3. Blogs, hacker websites

2.3. What are the specific vulnerabilities?

2.3.1. Blogs, hacker websites

2.3.2. Car reviews/journals

2.4. Aware of the risks?

2.4.1. Survey-based articles

2.4.2. Man on the street news stories

2.4.3. Newspapers

2.4.4. Periodicals

2.4.5. Research Institutes (Pew)

2.4.6. Blogs, hacker websites

3. Law Enforcement

3.1. What are the vulnerabilities in these systems?

3.1.1. HUMINT (contact manufacturers)

3.1.2. Car reviews/journals

3.1.3. Blogs, hacker websites

3.2. How can LE mitigate these risks?

3.2.1. Blogs, hacker websites

3.2.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

3.2.3. News articles

3.3. How can LE predict these risks?

3.3.1. SATs

3.4. How aware of the risks are the LE personnel?

3.4.1. News articles

3.4.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

3.4.3. Crime statistics

3.4.4. Blogs, hacker websites

3.4.5. Government Sources (state and local)

3.5. How can LE awareness be increased effectively?

3.5.1. News articles

3.5.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

3.5.3. Crime statistics

3.5.4. SATs

4. Criminals

4.1. What type of criminal currently attracted to the crime (high tech, low tech, organized, independent)?

4.1.1. Crime statistics

4.1.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

4.1.3. News articles

4.2. What methods are being used (hacking, theft of key fobs)?

4.2.1. News articles

4.2.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

4.2.3. Crime statistics

4.3. What possible damage or outcomes are accessible to criminals?

4.3.1. News articles

4.3.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

4.3.3. Crime statistics

4.3.4. Hacker websites

4.4. How aware of these opportunities are criminals?

4.4.1. News articles

4.4.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

4.4.3. Crime statistics

4.5. What is the future trend?

4.5.1. News articles

4.5.2. HUMINT (LE personnel)

4.5.3. Crime statistics

4.5.4. Blogs, hacker websites

4.5.5. Institutional/Research groups