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Euthanasia Door Mind Map: Euthanasia

1. Definition

1.1. 4. NOT just assisted suicide

1.2. 1. "The process in which a doctor of a sick or disabled individual engages in an activity which directly or indirectly leads to their death. the process in which a doctor of a sick or disabled individual engages in an activity which directly or indirectly leads to their death."

2. How it Works

2.1. 4.Physician assisted

2.2. 2. Available to terminally ill

3. Cons

3.1. 1. Disabled people using physician assisted suicide, not terminally ill

3.2. 2. Insurance companies take advantage of poor, calling it "murder"

3.3. 4. Doctor's moral responsibility

4. Pro

4.1. 1. Terminally ill people can die with dignity and in peace

4.2. 2. Right to die is Constitutional

4.3. 2. Doctor's responsibility to make the patient and comfortable as possible

5. Who is it For

5.1. 3. Elderly

5.2. 3. Terminally ill

6. Personal Story

6.1. Grandpa

6.1.1. Cancer

6.1.2. Suffering